Keyon moaned against her lips, sending vibrations through her body. Eloise smiled. She loved making him senseless with desire. Having that effect on this large and commanding man was oddly empowering.

“Look,” Keyon whispered against her lips. “I want you to see yourself how I see you. Lovely, lost in desire.”

Eloise lifted her eyes to the looking glass.

His fingers dipped inside her bodice, playing with her hardening nipple. He pinched it, and Eloise let out a gasp.

“A goddess,” Keyon growled. “My goddess.”

Keyon raised his eyes and met her gaze in the looking glass. His eyes were dark with passion; they glinted as though he were a predator intent on his prey.

His head dropped, and he grazed her skin with his lips, only slightly, his hot breath sending shivers all over her body.

“Tell me where you want me,” he whispered.

A breathless moan was her answer.

His finger played with the sensitive nub at her center, his erect length rubbed against her bottom, and his other hand was still circling her hardened peak. She was stuck between his sensual touches, unable to speak or even form a coherent thought.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you,” he whispered again, making shivers run up and down her spine.

“I want you… inside,” she whispered back.

“Are you certain?” he asked, his warm breath chasing away the chills.

His hand cupped her center, and his finger dipped inside her just a little. Eloise moaned and pressed herself harder into his hand.

“Mmm… So wet, so wonderful.” He groaned.

He spread her juices along her feminine lips, then circled the swollen nub above.

Eloise gasped, her hips moving rhythmically with his caresses. He fiddled with his breeches, then raised her skirts higher, and she felt his hot length pressed against her center.

Eloise reached behind her and took him in her hand. She squeezed his erect length, marveling at his soft skin and the steel hardness beneath. His shaft jumped in response to her ministrations, swelling beneath her fingers, getting harder still.

Keyon bent her forward, and Eloise rest her hands on the edge of the vanity table. Keyon’s eyes glinted with lust in the looking glass as he took himself in hand and rubbed his length up and down her slit before placing the tip against her center. Eloise arched like a cat, craving more contact, more closeness.

“Please,” she moaned, still looking at his reflection.

Keyon leaned forward, kissed her behind her ear, and then entered her in one swift thrust.

A cry of pleasure ripped from her throat as he seated himself inside her. She shifted, her inner muscles working, taking more of him.

“Yes, more,” she moaned as he worked her from both sides, thrusting his engorged length with accelerating force while rubbing her nub gently with his fingers.

Eloise’s eyes closed, and her mind drifted as she concentrated on the feeling building inside her. Their moans melded together as their bodies moved in unison in a beautiful dance. His touch ignited her insides, and stars lit up behind her eyelids. Eloise let out a low cry as she came back down to earth. Keyon growled, clutching her closer to him, his thrusts coming faster and faster until finally, he spilled his seed inside her.

Eloise opened her eyes. Her breathing was erratic, and sweat trickled down her neck. Keyon’s breaths were coming in hot gasps against her neck. He lowered his mouth to her shoulder and pressed a kiss on her skin.

He slowly withdrew his length, and she whimpered.

“Can’t stay like this forever, love,” he said with a chuckle.

“I wish we could,” Eloise said in a breathy voice.

Keyon left her side, and Eloise had time to regulate her breaths. He came back a few moments later with a wet towel. She leaned her back against the vanity as he cleaned her between her legs and pressed kisses to her naked thighs.

“Don’t do that,” she whispered.