
One year later

Eloise stood in front of a looking glass. She was dressed in a shimmering green gown, with ruby stones lining the bodice. Her hair was collected on top with ruby hairpins, and a few locks hung in soft waves. She wanted to look the part for the first masquerade she ever attended. This was also the first masquerade of Hades’ hell, the official grand reopening as Keyon had dreamed, and the first time Eloise would publicly appear as his wife.

Her hands trembled as she picked up the bejeweled mask. It was beautiful and was made especially to complement her gloves, which she would wear as soon as Keyon—her husband—came to collect her.

She placed the mask back on the vanity and turned this way and that, looking at her reflection.

“You are beautiful,” Keyon said from the doorway, his voice hoarse.

Eloise turned to him with a smile. “Why, thank you. You too.”

Keyon smirked and stepped inside. He was dressed in all black except for a starched white shirt and cravat. His hair fell to his shoulders in gentle waves, his eyes shone with something inexplicable. He was truly beautiful.

“I see you are enjoying your reflection,” he said as he came closer to her.

Eloise glanced at the looking glass. “I am enjoying the new looking glass. I have never had one quite so big.”

“I shall get you a bigger one if you wish.”

Eloise touched his cheek, and he leaned into her touch. “You’ve given me everything I wish for and more.”

Keyon put his hands on her waist and slowly turned her so they were both facing the looking glass. She looked at their reflections, and a smile adorned her lips. He was large and formidable, but his gaze was gentle as he looked at her. In contrast, she looked small and frail next to him. She didn’t feel small and frail. She felt powerful next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, still looking at her reflection, his gaze unfathomable.

Eloise cleared her throat. “I heard that Grace came to our opening night. Is that true?”

“Yes. She is here.” Keyon grinned and kissed her on her ear. “But do not get too excited. She is here to recruit customers to her own brothel.”

Eloise gasped, pretending offense. “How uncouth!”

“Mm…” Keyon moved lower, kissing her neck.

Eloise’s breath caught. Watching Keyon in the looking glass as he kissed her, with desire and purpose in his eyes, was oddly erotic. Did he always look at her this way?

“Do you… um… know if she opened?” she asked.

“Mm… yes.” He licked her neck, and her eyes closed. “The house of pain and pleasure.”

“Pain and pleasure?” Her question was more of a moan.

“Yes, pain.” He bit on her neck and grazed her skin between his teeth. “And pleasure,” he breathed as he soothed her skin with his tongue.

Eloise’s head fell back, and she leaned heavily against him. His hands traveled down her body, leaving shivers in his wake.

“Knife games, tying up, whipping.” He punctuated the last word with a light slap to her rear and grinned. Eloise jumped and let out a surprised squeak. “Some people really enjoy it,” he said in a low voice.

She did enjoy it. Maybe not whips or knives but definitely his biting slap. Eloise looked at his reflection in the looking glass. Her breathing was labored, her breasts rising and falling with every frantic inhale. He fisted her skirts in his hands and bunched them up.

“Aren’t you afraid of competition?” she breathed.

He raised her skirts higher, slowly baring her knees, her thighs. “We can do with a little more pleasure in this life,” he said as his hand dipped inside her skirts.

Eloise moaned, her head falling back as he cupped her between her legs.

His other hand traveled upward, cupping her breast through her bodice. Eloise moaned and arched, her bottom grazing his crotch. He stepped closer, and she could feel his hardening erection. She pressed her bottom firmer against him, rubbing her soft body against his hard length, while his fingers played with her feminine lips.

Eloise turned her head, searching his lips. He kissed her savagely, his tongue probing at her mouth, devouring her. Eloise moaned, lost in sensations. Her hand went to cup his head, and she threaded her fingers through his silky hair.