Chapter 23

Eloise tried to open her eyes, but she felt groggy. Her head ached, and her vision was blurry. Keyon was murmuring something in her ear, holding her close. She clutched at his shirt to make certain he was indeed the one holding her. His lips grazed her ear as he whispered something to her. She didn’t hear what he said. There was a slight buzzing in her ears, and she felt disoriented.

His warm breath on her skin felt good, though, and she burrowed closer to him. Somehow, they were both wet. It was incredibly cold, and she was shivering. She concentrated, trying to remember what was going on.

Eloise opened her eyes and looked at Keyon’s troubled face. The memory of what happened hit her unexpectedly. Sal had taken her with him on a boat and then threw her into the water. She didn’t know what had happened next, but the fact that she was in Keyon’s arms, safe, was everything she needed to know.

“I am not letting you go this time,” he said into her ear, and Eloise smiled.

I am not going anywhere.She wanted to say these words out loud, but her strength gave out, and the only thing she could do was tighten her arms around him. That would have to do for now. She’d tell him exactly how she felt later, once they were warm, back at home.

Home. Eloise wasn’t thinking about her tiny room above the coffeehouse. She was thinking about her room in Hades’ mansion. She was thinking about her bed and lying there in Keyon’s arms.

“Step away from my sister.” Ford’s voice rang out, and Eloise shifted in Keyon’s arms.

Keyon tightened his hold on her and pulled her closer. “No,” he said stonily.

Eloise twisted to look at her brother. The moment she turned, he pointed the shotgun away.

“Eloise, come!” He reached out a hand toward her.

Eloise instinctively took his hand, and he tugged her up. She reeled, but he steadied her, holding her by her shoulders. Hunter rushed in and took her by her arms.

Keyon slowly stood too with the help of Garric and William. He moved slowly, as if in pain. Eloise turned to him and noticed blood on his clothing. Was it his blood? Was he injured?

“Take her to the horses,” Ford told Jamison.

“No, Ford—” Eloise took him by the arm, but he shrugged her off, and she reeled.

“What happened? Did he hurt you?” Ford barked.

“Yes, he—”

Ford trained his shotgun on Keyon and again, and Eloise realized her mistake.

Eloise was still weak, but seeing a shotgun pointed at the man she loved, strength returned to her limbs. She sidestepped Jamison and rushed toward Keyon.

“Not him! He saved me!” she cried and shielded Keyon from her brother.

“Eloise, step away from him!” Ford said in an authoritative voice.

“No,” Eloise said.

“Eloise, don’t,” Keyon whispered.

Eloise looked up at her brother, her eyes teary. “I am sorry,” she said, then looked at Jamison. “I am so sorry. But I love him.”

“No, you don’t,” Ford exclaimed. “You can’t. He seduced you!”

Keyon shoved Eloise behind him. He barely stood, swaying on his feet.

“I understand,” he said. “I killed a man for seducing my sister. And you want the same. Go ahead. Shoot.”

“Keyon, stop! Ford—” Eloise tried to step in front of Keyon, but he shoved her behind him again.

“Do not interfere, love,” Keyon said. “I don’t want you caught in the crossfire.”

“There will be no crossfire! Ford!” Eloise directed a confused frown at her brother. Surely, he wasn’t going to kill anyone with her present. Especially not the man she claimed to love.