Eloise looked at the retreating form of the harlot and then back at her tray. “Am I to eat alone in this place forever, then?” she asked half to herself.

The harlot turned around and pinned Eloise with a look. “Master said you’re a genteel woman. He doesn’t think you’d like it in the hall with everybody. And now I agree.”

Eloise grimaced. “Oh, please. I apologize. I did not mean to offend you. I just did not think that this lifestyle was something you chose. Please, sit with me? I would love to know more.”

“Wouldn’t want a harlot spoiling your appetite,” the woman said and turned away.

“Please,” Eloise repeated. She wasn’t looking forward to spending the rest of her night staring at four walls. Besides, the conversation with an inhabitant of this place could prove useful. “I spent the last four hours here alone. I would enjoy your company.”

The woman turned back and eyed Eloise curiously. “Very well,” she finally said and slowly walked toward Eloise, her hips swaying.

Eloise moved onto the bed, placing the tray between her and the woman. The tray consisted of two chicken legs, cooked vegetables, a teapot, a cup, and a piece of pie. “You are welcome to eat with me,” she said.

The harlot waved a hand. “I shall have food downstairs with everybody soon. Do not fret.”

Eloise nodded. “As you wish. But feel free to have some of my food if you change your mind.”

The woman sat straight and played with her hair, pointedly avoiding eye contact with Eloise.

“Do you live here?” Eloise asked, trying to make the harlot talk again.

“That I do.” The woman nodded.

Oh. Well, being the master’s woman probably wasn’t as bad as servicing every passing man. Not that Eloise would know what that was like, and she wasn’t about to find out. This mansion of depravity had nothing good in store for her, she was certain.

The first step would be to befriend the harlot. Then, she would find out everything about this place that would help her escape it.

“I am Eloise,” she said with a polite smile.

“I am Verity,” the woman replied.

“What a beautiful name!”

“Master is the one who named me.” Verity grinned. “He named all of us. Perhaps he would give you another name, too. Although Eloise is pretty enough, I suppose.”

There are more women in this place?Gooseflesh crept up Eloise’s arms. “I am not going to stay in this place long enough for your master to rename me, I vow.”

She wasn’t about to become anybody’s harlot. And what of those other women? Were they brought here against their will? Eloise was determined to escape and take everyone she could with her. Verity seemed content with her lot in life, so Eloise would have to look for other allies.

Eloise squirmed inwardly.No.

Verity simply didn’t know that there was a better life out there, doing honest work—as Eloise did—meaningful work. Eloise was determined to free this woman and any other woman who resided in this monster’s mansion.

Verity shrugged and took a bite of a chicken leg. “Master is not going to let you leave. Nobody leaves this place without his approval.”

Eloise squared her shoulders. “My brother is a thief-taker. He will come and get me soon.”

The chicken leg dropped from Verity’s slack fingers as she frantically looked around in horror. “Devil take you, never mention your brother here again!”

“Why not?” Eloise looked around the room, too, her eyes wide. Was someone listening?

“Do you not know where you are?” Verity asked in a dramatic whisper. “You say your brother is a thief-taker, but you’re in the den of the thieves.”