Chapter 22

Eloise fiddled with her skirts, looking out the window at the London streets. She didn’t remember the way to Hades’ mansion, not really. She’d had a sack over her head when she was brought there for the first time, and she was too distraught to think clearly when she was traveling back with Ford and his associates.

She was determined to watch their progress and hoped she would recognize if they turned into the wrong alley.

William, this man who sat in front of her, was not to be trusted. But he also was the only one who could have possibly helped her. She held the hairpin between her fingers, ready to attack at any moment.

“You do not need to be afraid. I keep my promises,” he said.

“You betrayed Hades.”

“That’s fair.” He nodded thoughtfully. “Well, I keep my promises to ladies,” he said with a wink.

Eloise was not amused. He was a charming man, that was certain. She could see a gullible woman falling for his charm. Not her though, and not now when she needed to save the man she loved.

“Why did you do it?” she asked. “Why betray him?”

William shrugged. “He was becoming uncontrollable. Killing an aristocrat?” He let out a low whistle. “That’s dangerous to all who surround him.”

“There is no proof he did it, is there?” Eloise asked, a dim hope in her soul.

“No,” the man agreed. “There isn’t proof, so at least he’s being careful. But bedding a thief-taker’s sister? That was quite risky, too. How did he manage to seduce such an innocent flower, anyway?” He looked her up and down suggestively, and Eloise gripped the hairpin tighter.

He let out a bark of laughter. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, you know.”

“Don’t I?”

“Attacking women—anyone truly—is not my style.”

“And you are all about style, aren’t you?”

“I am.” He grinned. “But at least I am consistent.”

Eloise studied his face carefully. “Tell me, what do you know about the man who killed Ava?”

“Oh, I know plenty. Where do you want me to start?”

“His name would be fantastic,” Eloise retorted.

He tsked. “I do not know the names of Hades’ goons. That’s not something that ever interested me. I know only things that will benefit me. Which is quite a lot, I might add. People always think that criminals are uneducated. Those people have no idea how much a successful common criminal must know to survive in this world.”

“Fascinating,” Eloise said drily. “So what do you know about Ava’s killer?”

“He’s tall, was wearing a black cloak. Entered a room with her, left without her, caused all kinds of hubbub on his way out.”

“I know all that. But what else?”

William narrowed his eyes at her. “Relentless, are you? Very well. He might have had boots, which stood out.”

“Stood out how?” Eloise leaned forward.

“Something to do with metal anchors on his heels.”

Eloise’s eyes widened. “Oh, Lord,” she whispered.

Because she knew who the boots belonged to, and it was the last man she would have suspected.Sal.

The carriage halted at that moment, causing Eloise to lurch forward. William caught her by the shoulders.