“Then what did he do?”

Eloise looked at the men in the room, all eagerly listening to the embarrassing conversation between her and her brother, and tears burned at the back of her eyes. She wished she could go back to Keyon. For all the uncomfortable things she had witnessed there, she had never felt embarrassed and ashamed.

“He made me feel comfortable. It is rather ironic, wouldn’t you say, when your own sister feels more comfortable in the lair of a beast than under the protection of her brother?”

She didn’t wait for him to answer. She just scoffed and walked away.

Eloise locked the door in her room and rummaged through the journal. There must be something from her memories that would help her realize who the killer was. Now that Keyon knew there was a traitor in their fold, the killer might try to attack him. And Eloise could not let that happen. She wiped the sweat that broke out on her forehead as she nervously flipped through her journal.

There was nothing there. She looked out the window in frustration and saw the blond man standing by his carriage, smoking his cheroot. Eloise was certain that man knew everything. He had that sly look in his eyes. And yes, he had betrayed Keyon. He had kidnapped Eloise. But perhaps he could help her too.

Eloise opened the window and looked down. There was a knock on the door.

“Eloise, open up. I need to talk to you,” Ford said.

Eloise looked through the window. The blond man threw his cheroot to the ground and was getting ready to ascend his carriage.


“What did you say?”

Did I curse out loud?“I-I am already in bed.”

“Then throw on a dressing gown and open the door. I need to speak with you.”

The blond man looked around and opened the door to his carriage.

“Just a moment!” Eloise yelled out, hiked up her skirts, and climbed over her window.

This wasn’t the first time she’d left her room this way. This was exactly the route she’d taken on that ill-fated night she got captured and brought to Hades’ mansion. Last time, she was looking to have a bit of fun. This time, she was certain she was saving Keyon’s life.

She landed on the ground with an audible oomph and looked around. The horses moved into the canter, carrying the carriage with their owner away. Eloise hiked up her skirts and ran after the carriage.

“Stop!” she yelled as she chased it.

Thankfully, the horses weren’t able to move at a high speed on London streets, and she was able to catch up to it. She banged on the wall of the carriage as she yelled for it to stop.

The carriage came to a halt, and a surprised blond man peeked out.

“Well, well, well. What a fabulous surprise,” he drawled.

“No time for that,” she said and climbed inside the carriage with his help. “I need you to take me to Hades’ mansion, and you will tell me everything you know about Ava’s killer as you are doing it.”

“Will I?” He cocked his head to the side.

“You will, Mr…”

“William. Just William.”

“Very well, William.” She looked at her house from her window. Ford was not chasing her yet, but she was certain he would figure out that she’d disappeared again in a moment. “You snatched me from my home, angering my brother. You took me from Hades’ mansion, causing his ire.”

“You’re welcome,” he said graciously.

“And now you have to take me back or you threaten them both going after you.”

His head cocked to the other side as he eyed her curiously. “Who’ll kill me first? Because that would be a deal-breaker for me.”

Eloise huffed a frustrated breath. She put her hand on her coiffure and slowly tugged out the hairpin Keyon gifted her. “If you don’t move now, thenIwill kill you.”

A sly smile appeared on his lips. “I like a feisty woman,” he said and thumped the roof of the carriage with his walking stick. “To Hades’ mansion!”