Of all of their first experiences, she had never been the one to try things out on her own. She needed instructions. Clear, concise instructions she could follow. And he would happily give her those instructions now too, except he didn’t want to cross the line to where she was uncomfortable and was only following his lead and not listening to her body.

This was more difficult than he thought, and he was oddly glad that he would be the one to initiate her into this new experience, too. No one else in the world would take the same care with her as he.

What was he thinking when he agreed to marry her off to someone else? Nobody would be as protective of her as he was. And even if they were, they wouldn’t know the first thing about her.

He, who knew her better than she knew herself, still had doubts and worries about how to make this night least painful and stressful for her. Would anyone else be able to soothe her raw nerves?

Jarvis shook his head, trying not to think of Olivia in another man’s arms, helpless and frightened.

He took her by the hand and led her to the bed. They sat perched upon the edge of the bed, and Jarvis took her other hand in his. Her palms were cold and clammy. She was even more nervous than she let on.

“We don’t need to do anything you don’t want to,” he soothed.

“I want to,” she whispered.

Jarvis smiled, then nudged her to face him. “Are you certain? Because I can feel how nervous you are.”

“I was nervous the first time you taught me to climb trees. I was terrified the day you taught me to swim. I was stressed out of my wits the day you led me into my come-out ball. I am always scared the first time I venture into the unknown. But I am also excited and exhilarated by the prospect of having a new experience. I have been wondering about this… this experience, have been wanting to-to…” She faltered, and he squeezed her hands. She gave a nervous laugh. “As long as I am with you, I know everything will be all right. Please, don’t make me beg you. I know what I want, I just don’t know how to… what to do to…”

Jarvis lowered his head and captured her mouth in a soft kiss. “You don’t need to do anything,” he whispered and kissed her again.

She froze under the onslaught of his lips, just like she had the first time he kissed her. Her entire body became rigid. Jarvis took a deep breath and softened his lips. He kissed her lightly, leisurely, until he could feel her softening beneath his kisses. He placed his hands on her waist again, bringing her closer to him. Finally, Olivia opened her mouth to him and started mimicking his actions.

Jarvis sat closer and let his tongue enter her warmth. Olivia whimpered, but instead of drawing away, she moved closer and placed her hands on his upper arms. She was flexing her fingers and kneading his arms like a cat.

Jarvis smiled before deepening the kiss. He took Olivia by her arms and drew her closer, wrapping her arms around his neck. Then he gathered her closer and sat her across his lap.

Olivia wiggled her bottom, searching for a comfortable position atop him. Her warm bottom grazed his hard cock, and he hissed.

Olivia instantly drew away. “What? What did I do?” she asked, horrified.

Jarvis smiled and swept a loose lock away from her face. “Nothing, my sweet. Nothing bad. I just want you so much, it is hard to keep silent.”

Olivia smiled and put her palm against his cheek. “Nobody will hear us here,” she whispered and leaned in for the kiss.

Jarvis didn’t go slow anymore. He devoured her mouth the way he craved since the night of her come-out ball. His hands roamed her body as he pulled her closer into his embrace, wanting—no, needing—her heat against his, needing to feel her softness in his arms. His hands traveled higher, and he angled her head so he would have better access to her mouth. Then his fingers were pulling the pins from her hair.

He scattered them around, not caring where they hit the floor. Once her hair was free, he ran his hands through it and pulled away, looking at her locks cascading down her shoulders.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered. Olivia down-turned her eyes, clearly uncomfortable with the compliment.

Jarvis grinned. She would have to get used to that. He took her into his arms and stood before lying her across the bed. He slowly took off his coat, waistcoat, and cravat, with Olivia nervously watching his every move.

He took off his slippers and stockings, then paused. “Is it all right if I take off my shirt?” he asked.

Olivia swallowed, a tiny ripple in her throat igniting the sparks of his arousal. Her gaze traveled down his length and she licked her lips. She finally nodded.

Jarvis placed his hands on his shirt and started slowly unbuttoning it, not taking his gaze off Olivia. She lay silently in bed, her gaze riveted to his deft fingers. When he was done, he drew the sides of the shirt apart. Olivia stared at his bare chest as if mesmerized.

She didn’t look frightened anymore. In fact, she looked like a cat seeing the cream poured into her bowl. She licked her lower lip, and Jarvis gave a low laugh. Olivia raised her gaze to his then, and in the light of the moon, he could see her eyes darkening in passion.

“Do you want to touch me?” Jarvis asked, his voice hoarse from desire. This act of stripping for her—for the woman who was so riveted by his body was oddly arousing.

Olivia nodded.

Jarvis smiled wolfishly. “Do you want to lick me?”

Olivia blinked startled.