“No, I went to speak to my stepmother. I asked her to let me leave the house party early.”

Olivia grimaced. Everyone wanted to leave the house party. “Did she let you leave?”

“Yes, on the condition that I found someone to accompany me. My father is foxed somewhere on the premises, and she doesn’t think he’d notice my absence. But I cannot go alone.”

“Do not tell me you’re leaving too?” Olivia turned to Annalise.

“No, I am not. I can’t in good conscience leave Caroline. It is not easy for her either.”

Olivia expelled a breath of relief. She wouldn’t be all alone here.

“But I can lend you our carriage. The coachman will have time to come and fetch Blake and me,” Annalise continued. “My maid can act as a chaperone.”

“Thank you, darling. But I do not think my stepmother would consider a maid to be a proper company.” Lavinia raised her liquid eyes to Olivia. “Could you maybe go with me? I do not think my heart can take watching the wedding.”

Olivia grimaced. “I… I do not think my parents will approve. Besides, I cannot leave now that I am making headway with Bradshaw. And I am not exactly a suitable chaperone.”

“Right. I am sorry I asked.”

“Wait!” Olivia exclaimed, suddenly excited. “I know who can go with you!”

Lavinia blinked. “Who?”

“I just learned that Jarvis is eager to leave this place as early as tomorrow.” Her voice still sounded bitter. “But his cousin and his wife are going with him. I am certain your mother cannot object to a viscount and his relatives.”

Lavinia perked up. “No, she cannot. Oh, thank you, Livvie! But do you think they will object?”

Olivia shook her head. “Helen is a darling, and Jarvis… well, he’ll have to for the sake of our friendship.”

Annalise raised a curious brow.

Lavinia clapped her hands and jumped up. “I shall go tell my stepmother and pack my valises.”

Olivia smiled. “I shall speak with Jarvis as soon as I find him.”

“Thank you!” Lavinia hurried away happily.

Annalise studied Olivia queerly. Olivia turned to her and raised a brow. “Is there something amiss? Is my hair out of order?”

“No, dear, you look beautiful. It’s just—Bradshaw? Is that who you are after?”

Olivia smiled uncomfortably. “Yes, I am sorry I didn’t tell you. I told Lavinia and Caroline only during this house party.”

“Oh, that’s all right. I wasn’t upset about that part. I am more surprised.”


“Yes… I thought—Well, I have never even seen you with Bradshaw, and you’re so adamant about ensnaring him. I suppose I thought you were after your friend, St. John.”

Olivia snorted. “He only thinks of me as a sister.”

“Are you certain?”

“Of course, I am certain. I’ve known him my entire life.”

“And you? Do you think of him as your brother?”

“Well, it doesn’t matter, does it?” she said bitterly.

Annalise narrowed her eyes in thought. “I think you might be surprised at what matters and what doesn’t when the matter comes to the affairs of the heart.”