Olivia’s mouth slacked open.

“Miss Olivia,” Bradshaw started again. “I realize that you must have deep feelings toward Viscount St. John as I asked for your hand and am yet to hear your answer. I should have realized it sooner, alas love is blind.”

Olivia frowned. What was he going on about?

“Due to my deep esteem for you and your family, I aided in the search for Viscount St. John. And unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that he is missing. Presumably, he left the country,” Bradshaw said calmly.

Olivia turned back to him, a frown creasing her brows. “Presumed by whom?”

“His servants, his friends.”

Olivia didn’t believe it for a moment.

“Thank you for your concern,” she said, then turned to her father. “Father, can we speak privately?”

Her father cleared his throat and turned a questioning gaze toward the earl.

Bradshaw inclined his head. “I shall take my leave.” He stood. “Miss Olivia, I just want to let you know that it would be my honor to help you in any way I can during this difficult time.”

Olivia nodded. “Thank you.”

As soon as the door behind the earl closed, Olivia turned a shocked face toward her father. “Why did you invite me here with him present? Why tell me that Jarvis presumably left the country with this man sitting next to me?”

“Olivia, lower your voice,” her father said sternly. “Bradshaw was one of the few people who helped me look for Jarvis. I thought it only fair that he brought you the news himself. He is a nice, fine gentleman. He is affluent, well to do—”

“Why does any of that matter?” Olivia cried in frustration, her chest heaving with her labored breath.

“I thought you took an interest in him during the Roth house party.”

“I did, but I told you, Jarvis proposed—”

“Well, he didn’t come to me!” The viscount tugged off his wig and wiped his bald head. “Little one, I love that boy like my own son, but from what you have told me, he tricked you into believing he would marry you, took liberties, and then disappeared.”


“No! You could very well be with child by now, and I shall be damned if I let you succumb to scandal. Bradshaw is still interested in your hand, and you shall marry him even if I have to force you down the aisle.”

“Then you will have to force me!”

Olivia rushed out of the room only to run into Bradshaw a few steps away from the study.

“Apologies.” She tucked a loose tendril of hair away from her face and smoothed her skirts. “You must have heard that.”

Bradshaw just gave her a reassuring smile.

“Apologies for my outburst. I am not acting like myself, but Jarvis has been my best friend since childhood, and he has disappeared.”

“I completely understand. St. John is my friend too. I am worried for him, but more than that, I am worried for you. If he promised you marriage and then disappeared, gossip is bound to surface and render you unmarriageable.”

Olivia huffed a breath of laughter. “I have been unmarriageable for the past seven years.”

“And yet, I made you an offer just a week ago. And so did your best friend. Your father is worried that you will be left alone and defenseless in this world once he passes, so it is understandable his utmost priority is having you settled. He loves St. John, everybody knows that. But he loves you more.” He paused. “I just want you to know that my offer still stands. No matter your reputation. And if you still refuse, I shall be happy to call you my friend too.”

Guilt settled over Olivia. She’d treated Bradshaw so badly, made him fall for her, and now was ready to cruelly dispose of him. She was a horrible person. And what was worse, she couldn’t find words to express her gratitude toward him. Her mind was still on Jarvis.

“I-I apologize. I do not know what to say. My mind is jumbled.”

“There is no rush. I shall speak to your father and explain to him that I am willing to wait. I hope that will release some pressure off you and give you some peace.”

Bradshaw took her hand in his and placed a warm kiss on her knuckles.

A tear fell from Olivia’s eye as she tried to smile at the gentleman who had been nothing but kind to her. He left without Olivia having time to say anything.

“Thank you,” she said to an already empty doorway.