Olivia raised her head at that, frowning.

“You look surprised,” he said with a gentle smile. “Surely you knew I wasn’t going to take advantage of you without the prospect of marriage. I shouldn’t have come to your bed at all until we wed. But I couldn’t help myself.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I shall have to insist on a hasty marriage, though. I hope your parents won’t mind.”

Olivia smiled, her lips playing against his skin. “They won’t.”

“You better hope so, or I shall have to steal you and elope.”

Olivia chuckled, her body trembling with laughter, her eyelashes tickling his skin. The action was oddly arousing. Jarvis tightened his arms around her.

“Do not do that, vixen,” he growled against her hair. “Or I shall have to have you again, servants be damned.”

“Do you have to go? Maybe you can stay and we can approach my parents together.”

Now it was Jarvis’s turn to chuckle. “I would, my dear, but no matter that your parents treat me like their son, if I come to them brazenly declaring that I deflowered their daughter, your father just might shoot my balls off. And I wouldn’t fault him one bit.” He caressed her cheek, not quite able to lie next to her without touching her. “I should have been more patient, more respectful toward you.”

Olivia smiled. “I feel respected,” she said, her cheeks turning crimson.

Jarvis gave a bark of laughter, then kissed her deeply. “Damn,” he whispered and raised his eyes to the door as he heard some noise outside. “I think the servants are up. You’re going to get me caught. And isn’t that going to be embarrassing? I haven’t gotten caught by the thugs and thief-takers, but one slip of a girl can make me forget all the world.”

Olivia placed her palm against his cheek, and he couldn’t help but lean into her touch. “You shall call on my father today?”

“I shall be counting the minutes until I can see you again… and make you mine, in front of men and God.”

Olivia’s face split into a smile, and she nodded. “Go on with you then,” she said.

Jarvis pressed one more kiss against her lips and scrambled off the bed. He dressed hastily, then looked around the room. “I ripped your nightgown last night,” he said with a frown. “Where is it?”

Olivia shifted in bed, then reached inside the covers and drew out a piece of the ruined nightgown. “My maid will have suspicions about this,” she said on a chuckle.

Jarvis shook his head with a grin. “I do not think you can explain this one away.”

He came closer and took the cloth from her hands. The feel of her fingers against his rekindling his desire for her. He ripped the nightgown into pieces, then threw them into the hearth, successfully reigniting the dying flames. He roused the fire and watched the cloth burn.

“I don’t think I can explain a vanishing nightgown any better than a ruined one,” Olivia said, watching the hearth.

“Tell her you slept naked,” he said.

“I do sleep naked,” Olivia said in all seriousness.

Jarvis smiled. “Then we shall get along splendidly once we are married.” He walked toward the bed and kissed her on the forehead. “Be certain to take a warm bath first thing in the morning. You are going to be sore… if you aren’t already. But that should pass soon, and… and it won’t hurt the next time.”

Olivia blushed prettily, and Jarvis had to fight himself in order to force his legs to move away from her bed.

Move, you cad, you shall see her soon enough.

And with this reassurance, a promise, he slipped through the window and into the night.