Greyson took a cup of coffee as if it was a healing elixir from his fatal illness and downed it in a few gulps. “Are we going to see you at Roth’s house party?” he asked as he put the cup down.

Jarvis almost groaned out loud at the reminder. “Yes, I am going to be there,” he said between his teeth.

Greyson let out a snort. “You don’t seem too enthusiastic about it.”

Jarvis heaved a sigh. “Olivia asked me to accompany her there.”

“Did she, now?” Greyson raised a brow in curiosity.

“Yes, she is making another effort at finding a husband.”

Greyson almost spewed coffee out of his mouth. “She’s not setting her sights on you, is she? Because—”

“No. Of course not. She has somebody else in mind.”

“Whew.” Greyson theatrically wiped at his brow. “That would be a tough spot to get out of without jeopardizing your friendship.”

Jarvis took a sip of tea to avoid answering. Yes, it would be a tough spot to get out of for either of them. That was one of the many reasons he’d never made his feelings toward Olivia known. If she didn’t reciprocate, their friendship would be over. If she did reciprocate, however, there was still a matter of her safety. And he couldn’t jeopardize that, either.

“Well, good. If that means it will get you to Roth’s house party, that’s all I need to know.” Greyson took a sandwich, popped it in his mouth, and stood. “Helen misses you. We haven’t seen you for a while. Well, I have, of course, but she doesn’t need to know that.”

“I wish I wouldn’t see you under these circumstances, cousin.”

Greyson threw him an icy glance. “Do you?”

“Your wife doesn’t deserve this treatment. She doesn’t deserve your infidelity.”

“Mind your own business. You know nothing about Helen and me, so stop assuming,” Greyson bit out angrily and turned to leave. “By the way, you look like hell,” he said over his shoulder and disappeared into the hall.

Jarvis did roll his eyes now that his cousin was out of sight. He reached for the sandwich and took a bite, relaxing against his chair.

Hitting the straw man had only cooled his blood for a bit. He needed a job, or he was going to go mad.