Chapter 19

Thefirstthoughtthatentered Jarvis’s mind when the door to the study had opened was that it was all over. He was found out.

The second thought, albeit not gracious, was that he could use Olivia as a cover and tell everyone they were here for a midnight tryst. That would help him kill two birds with one stone. If he ruined Olivia, she’d have no choice but to marry him, and that would allow him to conceal his real reason for being in the duke’s study.

However, instinct took over, and he grabbed Olivia by the waist and hid them both in the alcove behind the curtains.

It helped that the couple who entered the room were too preoccupied with each other. They were whispering lurid things to each other, not paying attention whether the room was occupied or not.

Lady Carlyle was with his cousin, Greyson. He’d noticed that much before hiding behind the curtains. Blood boiled in anger for Helen, but he couldn’t go out and confront his cousin without revealing himself. Lady Carlyle was the gossip of society. The news that they were found in the dark study would fly in an instant and not only humiliate Olivia but also Helen.

So Jarvis stood quietly, hiding behind the curtains, listening to the sounds of his cousin’s tryst with a woman who was not his wife.

Olivia stood flush against Jarvis’s body, her soft curves pressed against his length, her sweet scent surrounding his senses. All he wanted to do was lean in and kiss her. Or let his hands roam her body.

It took all his willpower to just stand still and keep silent. His cock stirred to life, but he forced his mind to be elsewhere so he wouldn’t embarrass himself in front of her. She was pressed against him so tightly; she was sure to notice any movement in his body.

He counted the saints, then recounted the Greek alphabet backward. It all seemed to help him get his mind off the situation in the study. But then the damn couple in the room started rutting.

Jarvis’s brain started sending conflicting feelings to his body.

Should he be uncomfortable, disgusted, or excited? It was his cousin in the study. However, his body didn’t seem to care. The suggestive sounds from the room, the warmth of Olivia’s body against his all spelled trouble.

But then everything got ten times worse. Olivia started giggling!

And the only thing he could think of to quiet her was to occupy her mouth with his kiss. And that’s when he lost all reason.

Her scent enveloped him as he devoured her mouth. And the most surprising thing was that she didn’t even resist. On the contrary, her hands traveled up to his face, her fingers caressed his skin, and her tongue danced against his, sending tingles up his body.

He let his hands roam her body, and instead of pulling away from him, Olivia pressed herself against his length, rubbing her soft body against him. What on Earth was going on?

His entire world lost meaning, and there were only the two of them in that tiny alcove, kissing, touching, tasting. He never wanted to let her go.

But his senses returned to the present with the loud click of the door. The couple had exited the room.

Jarvis let Olivia go abruptly and stepped away. Olivia swayed heavily, and he had to steady her.

Jarvis cleared his throat. “They are gone.”

“Hm?” Olivia looked at him with dazed eyes.

Her lips were puffy, her cheeks flushed. She looked so delicious. All he wanted was to take her into his arms again and kiss her senseless. He closed his eyes briefly to collect the remnants of his self-control.

“The room is vacated,” he said, his voice hoarse. “We can leave the alcove.”

Olivia looked around, sobering. She righted her clothes, shifting uncomfortably.

“You kissed me,” she accused.





Jarvis made an opening in the curtain and gestured for her to exit the alcove.