Chapter 17

“LordJarvisSt.Johnfor you, miss,” the butler said as he entered the room where Olivia sat on the windowsill pretending to read.

Olivia nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of his name. She shot straight up and made a couple of steps toward the door only to remember that she still had a book in her hands. She returned to her seat, placed the book down, and took a deep breath. She wiped her sweaty hands on her skirts and turned back to face the door.

“Are you all right, dear?”

Olivia jumped at the sound of her mother’s voice. She’d forgotten her mother was even there. “Yes, I—” Olivia bit on her lips while her hands crushed her skirts.

“You seem awfully nervous,” her mother observed. “Didn’t the butler say it was Jarvis at the door?”

“Yes.” Olivia cursed her nerves. Her mother was very perceptive. She didn’t want her to suspect anything.

“Are you nervous to tell him that Bradshaw proposed?”

“Yes.” Olivia nodded, thankful for this slight change of subject.

Her mother put her embroidery down. “I know we haven’t talked about this because, well, neither of us was feeling well, but Father is very excited about the match.” She tried to sound cheerful, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes.”

“Yes.” Olivia smiled once again.

“You keep saying that.”

“I know, Mama. I am sorry, but I am afraid I do not know my own heart.”

Her mother cocked her head to the side.

Olivia heaved a sigh. “Marrying Bradshaw was all I ever wanted for the past few months, and yet when he asked me…”

“It didn’t feel right?”

“It didn’t feel—no. I didn’t feel anything.”

“Then perhaps you should say no.”

“And live my entire life as a spinster?”

Her mother stood, walked over to Olivia, and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Something tells me that will not be a worry,” she said, then turned her head to the door just as Jarvis appeared in the doorway. “Jarvis, boy, we missed you dearly.”

Jarvis came in and bowed over her hand. “I missed you too. I am sorry I haven’t been to visit. I was not feeling well and did not want to distress you even more.”

“Not a bother as long as you’re feeling well now!”

“I am.” He looked at Olivia, and she tried very hard not to blush or smile.

“I have some business to take care of,” the viscountess said. “I shall leave the door open and will come by with tea and biscuits in about five minutes.” She winked at Olivia and left the room.

Olivia clasped her hands together in front of her and looked at Jarvis. “You came,” she said, the first thing that came to her mind.

“You called for me.”

“I did.” Olivia furrowed her brows.

“You said something about eloping?” Jarvis raised a brow. “What is going on?”

“Oh, that!” Olivia tried to sound nonchalant, fearing she failed miserably. “I made all of that up.”

“You made it up…” Jarvis repeated slowly.