“Perhaps.” Helen smiled. “But do not fret, it is not a bother for me to answer. I just get overwhelmed easily and end up spending much of my time with a migraine.”


“It’s quite all right. I have accepted my lot in life. Still, I love having visitors.”

Olivia relaxed, feeling encouraged by her words. “Well, if you’re feeling better by spring and still want to decorate your house, my friend, Annalise—Lady Payne—has the walls and ceilings painted in the most astounding manner. I am certain she can give you contacts for the artist she used.”

“Truly?” Helen’s eyes widened comically in her thin face. “I’ve been to their house before, I don’t believe I’ve noticed.”

“She started doing it two years ago but finished only recently. Perhaps you haven’t seen much of it.”


The tea was brought in at that moment, and while Helen poured, Olivia had some time to collect her thoughts.

“I was wondering if… I know Jarvis—Lord St. John—is your husband’s cousin. In fact, I think they are quite close…”


“I was wondering if he’d called on you as of late?”

Helen extended a cup of tea. “No, I don’t believe he’s been here recently.”

Olivia took the cup and poured some sugar inside. She stirred the tea, watching the ringlets form in the water and thinking of what to say next. “Do you have a way to contact him?” Not the most graceful question, but that would do.

“I—yes. If you need to tell him something, I can make sure he gets your message.”

This was it. This next part had to be convincing. “See, it’s a very sensitive matter, and I am afraid I cannot divulge the details over a note, nor can I speak the issue out loud, and as a maiden, I can’t exactly visit him myself. But I need you to promise me not to tell this to anyone but him.”

“Of course, I promise.”

“Not even your husband.”

Helen nodded. “I shan’t tell a soul.”

“I am about to be married.”


“Thank you.” Olivia grimaced, not wanting to deceive the poor kind soul that was Helen. “But I realized that I made a mistake in selecting my suitor.”

“Oh!” Helen’s expressive face spread into a grimace of shock.

“And I decided to elope. Tonight.”

Helen’s mouth dropped open. It seemed like Olivia got exactly the reaction she was hoping for. She took a deep breath, hoping to make her performance even more convincing.

“But I need his council. I feel like Jarvis is the only one who can set me straight.”

Helen placed her cup back on the tray without taking a sip. “This all sounds quite serious. Are you certain you want me to tell Jarvis? Have you talked to your parents?”

“No, and that’s another issue. My parents still haven’t recovered from the incident, so I do not want them to worry.”

“Oh!” Helen fanned herself. “I shall contact my cousin on your behalf right away.”

Olivia grinned. “Thank you.”