“Miss, are you all right?”

Olivia smiled. “Yes, I am well.”

“You should lie down. Your parents are in their beds, resting. You should too.”

“Yes.” Olivia nodded, her mind still numb.

She went upstairs, accompanied by her lady’s maid. She could barely feel her limbs, and her heart rioted in her chest.

“Is my mother sleeping?” she asked her maid as the latter helped her into her nightgown.

“I believe so, miss.”

Olivia nodded. “Thank you, I can do the rest myself.”

The maid curtsied and left the room.

Olivia donned her dressing gown and went into her mother’s room. She could not go to sleep without seeing her parents and making certain they were all right.

Her mother lay on her bed, wet cloth on her forehead, her lady’s maid fussing about her.

Olivia padded softly toward her. “How do you feel, Mama?”

“Oh, Olivia, is that you?” Her mother didn’t open her eyes. “I have a terrible headache. Please, check on your father and tell me how he is doing. I want to see him, but it is too hard to move with this headache.”

Olivia nodded. “Of course, Mama.”


“Yes, Mama?” Olivia turned.

“Are you hurt?”

“No, Mama.”

“Good girl.” Olivia thought she heard a smile in her mother’s voice, but she wasn’t sure, as she couldn’t see her face clearly in the dimly lit room.

She walked into her father’s room, who was looked after by his valet. The viscount sat up as Olivia entered via the connecting door from her mother’s chambers. Olivia quickly scanned the room with her gaze. The doctor had not arrived yet.

“Oh, little one, it’s you. I thought it was your mother,” her father rumbled in a low voice.

Olivia smiled. “No, Papa. It’s just me.”

“Are you well? Were you hurt?”

“No, Papa.” Olivia came closer and perched herself on the side of the bed.

“How is your mama?” he asked, looking at Olivia with his brows furrowed as if trying to ascertain if she was injured.

“Mama wanted me to check on you. She has a headache. Probably from all the excitement.”

“Excitement! You don’t say. Highwaymen! In the middle of London, who would have thought. Nobody is going to believe us.”

Olivia frowned. Highwaymen robbed people. These ones had wanted to kill them.

“How do you feel, Papa?” she asked.

“Well. Aside from the bruise on my head. I do not think I was hurt too badly. And the bruise will be covered up by my wig, anyway.”