He should go home. He’d done the reconnaissance, he’d appeased his conscience, and there was nothing for him left to do.

Yes, he needed to go home. Yet, there was something else he wanted. Nay, needed. Craved.

He turned away from the direction of his home and moved toward Drury Lane.

It was just about the time when everybody was exiting the theater. The crowd was ghastly, but Jarvis stuck to the shadows across the street from the theater, making certain he was not observed.

He spied Viscount Landen’s carriage, stalked to a tree not far from it, and hid behind it.

Jarvis missed Olivia. No, that word was not enough to describe the empty pit he felt inside from not seeing her for the last few days.

He told himself that it was for the best. He told himself he should let her go because the life he led was not for her. He made all these excuses, but the truth was much simpler.

He was a coward. He was afraid that if he made himself vulnerable in front of her, if he asked for her hand, that she’d reject his suit. But more than that, he was afraid that she wouldn’t, and that he’d ruin her life. And not because his life was dangerous, but because he wouldn’t be able to make her happy. Because he wasn’t worthy of her.

However, as the threat of her betrothal to Bradshaw loomed before him, he considered throwing away all his worries and just telling her how he felt. Jarvis shook his head. Olivia deserved better, a lot better than him.

Finally, four figures moved slowly toward the Landen carriage. Lord and Lady Landen said their farewells and climbed inside the carriage, leaving Bradshaw and Olivia in privacy outside the vehicle for a short while.

After exchanging a few words, Bradshaw took Olivia’s hand and placed a lingering kiss on her knuckles.

“Gallant bastard,” Jarvis muttered to himself.

Bradshaw helped Olivia into her seat and waved as the carriage lurched into motion.

Jarvis was about to turn and walk away, but two silhouettes disengaged from the shadows and caught his eye. They saddled their horses and cantered after the disappearing carriage.