“I always need your council.” Jarvis smiled.

The old man laughed uproariously. “No need to butter me up, either. I shall always treat you as my son.” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “In fact, my wife and I hoped that you’d make it official one of these days and propose to our girl.”

Now it was Jarvis’s turn to shift in his seat. “I assure you, my lord—”

“No need for assurances, St. John.” The viscount waved the issue away. “You and Olivia grew up together. It is no wonder you view her as a sister and she you as a brother. Perhaps it is even better this way. When my Edith and I pass away, Olivia will have two people looking out for her, not just one.”

“Two people?” Jarvis raised a brow.

“Yes, her husband and you.” The old man smiled fondly.

Jarvis felt as if a huge boulder was lodged in his chest. “A husband,” he croaked. “So Bradshaw proposed?”

“No, not yet. But he will.” The old man nodded. “I have my sons, of course. But they moved away so long ago, I do not think they understand our little Olivia. And you have to understand her to love her.”

Jarvis bit on his lower lip so as not to scream. Olivia—his Olive—married to another man.

He understood he was the one to blame for it. He should have proposed to her a long time ago. But would he be able to live with himself if something happened to her because of the dangerous way he lived?

He cleared his throat. “There is nothing I wish more than for Olivia to be happy… with the man she loves.”

“Hmm, yes.” The viscount eyed Jarvis under his lowered, bushy eyebrows before his face cleared.

“Is Olivia here? I haven’t seen her since the house party, and I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her. I am afraid she didn’t take fondly to me deserting her.”

The viscount laughed. “Do not trouble yourself with unnecessary worries. She was quite happy with her suitor and her friends. But no, she is not home. Her mother took her out shopping. Something about new gloves for the theater tomorrow night.”

“The theater?”

“Yes. Bradshaw—a nice young man—invited all of us to the theater on the morrow. I am sure he understands that seeing us together as a family will lead to much talk. I am expecting him to come to my door any day after that and ask for our Livvie’s hand.”

Jarvis sat, frozen, trying to digest the words. His palms started perspiring. He was losing his Olive. She did not miss him, and she was preparing to become another man’s wife.

“Do you want to discuss business matters?” the viscount asked.

No. To hell with business!But Jarvis nodded. “Yes, let’s.”

Olivia had always loved the theater. She loved watching people on stage and could lose herself in the play. Unfortunately, many people who came to the theater came there to show themselves off, talk, and even yell over the crowd.

She had a tough time concentrating on the play as it was, but there was an added obstacle: the man sitting beside her.

Bradshaw sat distractingly close to her.

Olivia valued her space, and she felt crowded when someone stood or sat as close to her as Bradshaw did. She could practically feel his breath on her skin. To add to her already raw nerves, the food was brought in, and the box was filled with loud chewing.

Olivia had always felt agitated in situations like this, but every sound and every move coming from the box grated on her nerves even more than usual.

“Excuse me,” she said and stood abruptly when she couldn’t take it anymore. “I have to use the privy.”

Her mother gave her a disapproving gaze as Olivia walked away. Olivia couldn’t care about that anymore. She knew she was incredibly rude, but no other word came into her mind and she would be a lot ruder if she continued sitting in that theater box.

She walked out of the room and slowly made her way along the corridor. She ran her hand against the cool wall, trying to calm her breathing.

Why was she so agitated? She should be used to constant chattering in the theater box, and the chewing and the laughter. She used to be able to concentrate on the play no matter what.

This time, however, her thoughts jumped from one place to another without letting her lose herself in the story playing out before her.

The door closed with a loud click, and Olivia jumped in reaction. Hurried footsteps advanced on her and a moment later, Bradshaw appeared before her.