Chapter 14

Oliviarodedownthenarrow path, lost in thought. The weather was beautiful in the park and the air fresh. She enjoyed being out in the open rather than being cooped up in the drawing rooms.

The ladies were right. The courting part of the Season was a lot more pleasant. Not that she’d ever had a chance to experience it before now.

Getting a suitor was almost too easy after years of being a spinster. Would it have been this easy for her in the past too, if she’d just applied herself more? Was being a spinster her own fault? Or had Bradshaw just needed time to see her in a different light?

She turned to the side and studied the chiseled profile of her suitor. Bradshaw rode beside her, having an animated conversation with himself. Well, technically, he was speaking to her, but Olivia had lost interest in the topic about twenty minutes ago, and he hadn’t seemed to notice.

“Would you have ever believed that?” he exclaimed at that moment, and Olivia smiled and shook her head as if she agreed.

Bradshaw laughed and continued his one-sided conversation.

Olivia’s face fell. Bradshaw didn’t really notice her either, did he? He did not accept her oddities; he simply did not even know they were there. And perhaps that was why he found her agreeable. He saw the version of her that was polished by Caroline. But that was Olivia’s goal, wasn’t it? She turned back to the road.

Not many people understood Olivia. Lavinia, Annalise, and Caroline had accepted her into their friend circle, but they’d never understood her. Her parents loved her, certainly, but as hard as it was to admit, they’d never truly accepted her either. They just wanted her to blend in. They wanted a normal child. So perhaps it was all right that her suitor was oblivious to her strange ways.

Jarvis was the only person who really knew her. He laughed at her jokes and accepted all her quirks. Truth be told, she felt lonely without him. Lonely in a sea of other people, because without him, she was invisible.

She looked at Bradshaw again, wondering how long it would take for him to realize that she was not even participating in the conversation. Would her entire life be spent this way if she married him? Would she always feel this lonely? And was that better than being alone?

Certainly more financially secure and protected. So, of course, she’d marry him if he asked. But would she be happy?

These thoughts had plagued Olivia ever since Caroline and the Duke of Kensington’s wedding. Olivia remembered Caroline’s stony face as she had vowed to love, cherish, and obey the duke. She had looked Kensington full in the eyes, calm, resolute, and steadfast. But her tone had been dry, and her eyes empty. Even Olivia could feel the tragic mood surrounding what was supposed to be a merry ceremony. A ceremony which officially pronounced Caroline the Duchess of Kensington.

Olivia let out an audible sigh, and Bradshaw finally looked at her.

“Am I boring you?”

“No,” she immediately lied. “I am just… getting a bit chilly.”

“Oh, where are my manners? Would you like to wear my cape?”

“No, thank you, but perhaps a brisk walk would warm me up,” she said with a smile.

“As you wish, my lady.” Bradshaw tipped his head and urged his horse to a canter. He turned toward the Serpentine and tied his horse to a tree.

He then took Olivia by her waist and helped her off her mount. Olivia slid down his length, her limbs touching against his. As she hit the ground, Bradshaw did not immediately let go, and she stood, face to chest, while he gently held her in his arms.

She took a deep breath and, with it, a whiff of Bradshaw’s scent. It was a bit pungent and very masculine, mixed with horseflesh and leather.

The warmth of his body chased away the chills, and she shuddered.

“Are you all right?” he asked as she raised her head.

“Yes.” She nodded, her eyes darting from side to side, unable to concentrate on one point on his face.

Bradshaw dipped his head the same moment Olivia turned, and they collided, her cheek to his chin.


Bradshaw cursed and stepped away. “Apologies… I-It’s my fault.”

“No.” Olivia rubbed her aching cheek. “The fault is all mine. I was distracted.”

Bradshaw smiled awkwardly and offered his arm.

Olivia took it, and they walked toward the Serpentine.