Jarvis brushed a loose lock of hair away from her face. “Olive, do you think you’ve always been this inconsiderate, rude, and insensitive?”

“Well, yes.”

“Hmm, and how long have we been friends?”

She finally looked at him. “My entire life.”

“How many instances of your rudeness have I suffered through then?”

“Jarvis!” she exclaimed, affronted. “I never meant to be rude.”

“Yes, I know that. But if just one instance makes those friends leave, then they weren’t truly your friends, were they?”

There was a pause. “They were my true friends.”

“Then whatever you think happened wasn’t as significant as you think it was, and your friends have not deserted you.”

“What I said was truly awful.” Her lower lip quivered again.

“What did you say?”

Olivia fell silent for a moment. “I said to my friend who lost her beloved uncle that since he’s dead, he doesn’t matter. And I divulged another friend’s secret about the man she’s in love with. I thought I was doing the right thing.”

Jarvis frowned in thought. “Who did you tell the secret to?”

“To our mutual friend.”

“Behind the first friend’s back?”

“No, right in front of her. She must have been so humiliated.” She raised her eyes to the heavens before turning back to him. “Jarvis, can you promise me something?”

Jarvis gave her a faint smile. “Anything.”

“Can you promise me we’ll be friends forever?”

Jarvis knew that was not possible. Not if she married Bradshaw. Or anyone, really. One way or another, their friendship had a date of termination. He nodded, nonetheless. “Of course.”

Olivia smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I am so happy you’re at this house party. I do not know how I would fare without you.”

Jarvis grimaced but didn’t say anything. This wasn’t the time to bring up that he was just about to leave.

Jarvis didn’t know how long they sat there, Olivia’s head on his shoulder, her hand in his. Her breathing was even and her finger drew circles on his palm. She probably didn’t even notice. Jarvis’s entire skin tingled at the contact.

They didn’t speak. Jarvis was simply enjoying Olivia’s company, her warmth at his side, her pleasing scent. Just being around her made him feel content.

The steps approaching their hiding spot broke the spell. Olivia raised her head, and Jarvis jumped up, smoothing his coat.

Blake, Lord Payne, Jarvis’s old friend, walked into their alcove and froze. He had a white cloth in his hands and a puzzled look on his face.

He glanced from Jarvis to Olivia and back again. “Pardon me,” he finally said. “I was just looking for my wife.”

“Oh, she’s… she went to talk with Lady Caroline,” Olivia answered, and started adjusting her hair.

“Right.” Payne nodded and turned back to Jarvis, his gaze still confused.

“Payne! Welcome back.” Jarvis put on a friendly smile.

He stepped toward his old friend and tipped his hat. He was truly glad to see Blake, but he felt awkward around him. Interruption of the moment aside, they hadn’t exactly parted on the best terms.