Olivia frowned again. What was she to say to that? “Wouldn’t you? If you knew me your entire life?”

Bradshaw’s face split in the handsomest of smiles. “I do not think I’d need that long.”

Olivia’s insides heated, and her heart sped up, drumming in her ears. She promptly looked away.

“Do you… What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?” she asked, for lack of anything to say.

“Oh, plenty. I like going to the theater, fencing, reading. But I am most fond of any outdoor activity. And hunting would be my favorite pastime. Unfortunately, I do not get a lot of free time.”

“Why not?” Olivia turned to him, genuinely interested in his answer.

“Well, I am a peer. Which means I have many responsibilities to my tenants and the House of Lords. But for the past few years, I’ve also been involved in a very demanding and challenging venture. I do not want to bore you with details. Suffice it to say that my spare time comes in very brief intervals.”


According to Caroline, now she was supposed to ask something about his pastime so he would demonstrate his ability or even teach her. Or simply act impressed. To what in his statement could she react in such a way?

But the silence grew longer, and Olivia fidgeted in her seat, nervous that she hadn’t reacted appropriately.

“What about you? What is your favorite pastime?” Bradshaw finally asked.

“Um… perfumery.”

“You make perfume?”

“Yes. It is a very difficult process, actually. You have to distill oils and fragrances from the trees and flowers and then add spices. And of course, musk and fixative to make it stronger, so it sticks to a person for a long time. I know it does not sound very appealing, but overall it turns out perfect. See? Smell me!”

She leaned toward him, and Bradshaw’s lips twitched in suppressed laughter. Oh, Lord, she was making a fool of herself again. Olivia instantly drew back. “Never mind. Apologies… I-I am not very good at this.”

“At what?”

“Talking. Conversation.”

“I think you’re doing quite well,” he said calmly.

“Thank you. But you see, I have this tendency to ramble when I am nervous, and I start talking about random things unrelated to the conversation before us.”


“O-or I might interrupt you during inopportune moments. Or perhaps I just start talking about something else that comes to mind because I become bored. Not that you’re boring or that a conversation with you could possibly be—oh, Lord, I am doing it again, aren’t I?” Olivia clamped her lips, her cheeks heating in embarrassment.

Bradshaw just laughed. “I find it… adorable.”

Olivia frowned, trying to digest the statement. “Nobody has ever said that to me.”

“Well, then, anybody who doesn’t see it is an idiot.”

Olivia looked at Bradshaw’s open, smiling face and smiled in return. Had she done something right? Or had she just managed to find the only gentleman who didn’t find her tiresome?

Either way, she felt relaxed, and there was no need to ramble anymore.