“Why, of course!” Lady Caroline exclaimed. “As the cousin of the host, I am duty-bound to welcome every newly arrived guest. Lord St. John, please, accompany us.” She turned toward Jarvis.

Jarvis was about to protest, but she linked her arm with his and propelled both Jarvis and Olivia toward Bradshaw.

The Earl of Bradshaw, Alan Boyle, was conversing with a few gentlemen when the trio accosted him.

“Lord Bradshaw! What a pleasure to see you here,” Lady Caroline exclaimed. “Welcome.”

“I would not miss this house party for the world.” The gracious earl bowed over her hand.

He tipped his head toward Jarvis, then gave Olivia a polite smile.

“You do remember my friend Olivia, do you not?”

“How could I not?”

Lady Caroline gave him a sweet smile. “Would you mind settling a debate for us?”

Bradshaw raised a brow.

“Olivia and I were just talking about riding. And she said that she prefers riding astride to riding side-saddle.” Olivia’s mouth opened, and she turned to Lady Caroline in shock.

Jarvis forced himself not to chuckle. Lady Caroline was brilliant. What gentleman would not be intrigued by a lady who enjoyed riding with a beast between her thighs? Jarvis certainly was. Except he knew Olive. Jarvis was the one to teach her to ride. And what Lady Caroline said was an absolute lie.

Lady Caroline leaned in closer to Bradshaw. “How scandalous do you think it is for a lady to take part in such an activity?”

For the first time since they approached him, Bradshaw looked at Olivia for longer than two seconds. He was perusing her from top to bottom as if appraising a prized mare.

Jarvis took a step closer to Olivia and put a protective hand on the small of her back. It was a tiny gesture, out of his control. He was just reacting to Bradshaw, so brazenly ogling his Olive.

Bradshaw’s eyes darted to Jarvis’s hand before he turned to Lady Caroline. “I suppose it depends on how accomplished she is in such an activity.”

I bet.Jarvis was ready to growl aloud.

“Perhaps you can find out,” Lady Caroline said swiftly. “We are riding out toward the ruins the day after tomorrow.”

Bradshaw picked up his cue and turned to Olivia. “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me on the tour toward the ruins? I would enjoy your company very much. And I would love to hear more about your riding preferences.”

Olivia threw a bemused gaze toward Caroline. She then looked at Bradshaw. “I shall not be riding astride.”

Bradshaw bared his teeth in a smile. “What a pity. But perhaps it’s for the best. However, I would love the honor of your company, nonetheless.”

Olivia smiled and gave a tiny nod. “I would enjoy that very much.”

Jarvis’s hands curled into fists. He was not going to be able to watch this much longer.

“Pardon me, ladies, gentlemen, I need to excuse myself for a moment,” he said and walked away without waiting for their response.

He wanted some whiskey. Hell, he’d even take the gin. Anything stronger than the wine would do. Unfortunately, wine was all there was. Albeit expensive and rich, it was still not enough for him to drown his sorrows in.

Just as he took a sip of a rich, red, savory liquid, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Jarvis, you’re actually here!” His cousin’s gravelly voice sounded from behind him.

Jarvis turned. “Where else would I be?” he asked darkly, but his face cleared the moment he saw Greyson was not alone. “Helen. How nice to see you, my dear cousin.”

He bowed low over the hand of Greyson’s wife, and she giggled.

“Oh, such a flirt, Jarvis,” she said, fanning herself lightly.