Caroline raised a haughty brow.

“I—apologies. I did not mean you. Not that you’re not a perfect hostess… You are not boring, I just mean—”

Caroline waved the issue away. “Never mind that, darling. But why would you think that men need boring wives?”

Olivia faltered and chewed on her lip. “Jarvis said—”

“St. John doesn’t know the first thing about men.”

Olivia looked at Lavinia, but the latter just raised her hands in surrender.

“Why didn’t you come to me?” Caroline asked. “Why did you go to him at all?”

“I assumed a gentleman would know more about, well… gentlemen. And you had issues of your own.”

Caroline pursed her lips. “Of course. But I am here now. Your association with St. John might prove beneficial either way. Here’s the new plan. I shall tell you what to do and how to do it, and you shall practice all those things on St. John before you try them on Bradshaw. That way, you’ll get validation and practice before you approach the man you actually want. And St. John will be able to help.”

Olivia nervously picked at her fingertips.

“After all, I am the one with over a dozen marriage proposals a year, am I not?”

Olivia heaved a sigh. “Very well.”

Lavinia, who’d observed this exchange with avid curiosity, turned to Caroline. “Why do you think she needs to do something ostentatious? You’ve never done anything like that, and you’re constantly the belle of any ball.”

“Well, being the belle of any ball, having an enormous dowry as well as a marquess for an uncle all work in my favor, enough to turn heads on its own. Add to that my perfect manners, stylish attires, and proper bearing, and I do not need to do anything to keep the attention on myself. When the heads are turned, the next step is to keep them interested. In other words, flirt.”

Olivia grimaced. “I do not know the first thing about flirting.”

“We shall go over that too. Do not worry, my dear. But first, you need to grab the attention of the man you desire. Bradshaw already knows you. He’s seen you, albeit not in the best light, so you need to turn his head toward you. To draw his attention. And that’s where something ostentatious comes in.”

“What do you propose I do?”

“Challenge him to a race in the field. Or to a game of pall mall.”

“Or an archery contest!” Lavinia chimed in.

“Exactly! It doesn’t have to be in a serious vein, it could be made as a jest, but in a way, he cannot refuse.”

Olivia heaved a sigh. “My palms are perspiring just thinking about that. Is there an easier way to catch his attention? Without actually… talking.”

Caroline narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips in thought. “Very well, leave it to me. Once Bradshaw arrives, just let me know, and I shall do the rest.”

Olivia turned to Lavinia, and the latter just spread her hands.