Jarvis took a breath and then rummaged through his coat pocket before lying back beside Olivia. “As a matter of fact, I just received this letter earlier this morning.” Jarvis handed Olivia an envelope.

Due to your help in catching the culprit hunting you, as well as the man who terrorized the Lykai orphan house and our society, you are reinstated back to our fold.

Your first mission awaits you as soon as you are ready.


“Who is Erebus?” Olivia frowned.

“The leader of the Shadows.”

“Yes, but who is he? Or are you not allowed to say?”

Jarvis smiled softly at her. “The truth is… I have no idea.”

“You don’t?”

“No. I have been with the Shadows society since my birth. I have been actively involved in their missions since I was fourteen years old. I was proud when I got called, so damn proud. I never stopped to think what I’d be giving up. I never thought about the dangers of it all until the night Bradshaw attacked your carriage. And then I realized I do not know the first thing about them. I’ve been a trusting, blind fool.”

“Are you going to go back to them?” Olivia asked, tracing small circles on his chest.

“If I do, I need to learn more about them. I can’t blindly follow orders from an unknown entity and trust the people who know my identity within the society while I know nothing. If I go back, I need to arm myself with knowledge. Without knowing anything of value about the mysterious society, I have nothing to fight them with. And if I want to keep you safe, I need to know more about the society I serve.”

Olivia frowned in thought. “Do you believe the things Bradshaw said to have any merit?”

“Bradshaw is a madman. I wouldn’t believe a word out of his mouth. I brought the children to Lykai house. I’ve seen them smiling and happy after. It cannot be true. But I shall look into it nonetheless.” Jarvis took her hand and kissed each finger.

“Because you worry about the children?”

Jarvis nodded.

Olivia turned fully toward him. “Tell me, what truly happened yesterday at the Bradshaw house?”

“Did you not read the paper?” He turned her hand and kissed her palm.

“I did and I find that it is a pile of drivel.”

Jarvis chuckled. “It is. I am certain Bradshaw was not part of the Shadows. But with the society villainizing us, I suppose it was the only way to make them believe that Bradshaw was indeed a killer.”

“Is what they said in the papers about Bradshaw true? Is he the one who murdered the woman from the masquerade?”

“That I do not know.” Jarvis put one of her fingers into his mouth and sucked.

“Jarvis!” Olivia chuckled and pulled her hand away. “Are you going to find out?”

Jarvis leaned in and kissed her on her lips. “Perhaps, but not before our honeymoon.”

Olivia parted her lips and Jarvis took advantage, sweeping inside her sweet mouth until she forgot every other thought.

In the meantime…

Keyon banged on the door with the full force of his hammer-sized fists. He wasn’t in the mood, nor was he particularly known for patience. What he was known for was his menacing mien, the ghastly scar on his cheek, and his hells. The latter was the reason for his name. A name everybody called him by. He always thought it was an apt name for him, therefore never corrected anyone.

“Hades?” Ford Gunning, the infamous thief-taker, appeared on the doorstep.

There were legends about this man in the criminal world. He was fast, clever, and cunning. That last was the reason Keyon—or as everyone called him, Hades—was even on this doorstep in the middle of the night.

“You owe me something,” Hades said.