Hades stiffened at the name. He looked the thief-taker in the eye for a long moment before speaking. “I do not think you have resources necessary for the task, thief-taker. Nor the motivation.”

“You are powerful in your own right. I shall not deny that. But even if plenty of lords owe you, they do not have the resources nor the interest to find whoever killed your woman. It happened during the Kensington ball, and however powerful you might be, you are not getting inside that house again. And you’re not going to get Kensington’s cooperation. But I can. And Lord Payne can. More importantly, Lord St. John can. And we all have a vested interest in not losing St. John. It is better to have us as allies rather than enemies.”

“I do not take well to threats.”

“Then take it as an olive branch.”

There was a long pause. “Very well. I shall help you get your precious viscount back to you. But know this, thief-taker. Ava was the thing I valued most in my life. So if you fail or try to run… I shall take the thingyouvalue the most.”

Hades turned on his heel and walked toward the door. “Meet me by the old tavern near the docks tonight after dusk,” he said and disappeared beyond the door.

Hades had left, but his presence lingered in the silent, tense room.