Disjointed words and prayers escaped her mouth as she scrambled to chase the feeling that seemed to evade her. Nothing existed in this world anymore except for Annalise and Blake. His scandalous words like honey to her ears, his sensual touches like fire to her soul. His wicked tongue brought unfathomable sensations to the core of her. Her entire existence was concentrated upon a blissful feeling forming at her center.

With a scream, Annalise came back down to earth, panting as if she’d run for miles. She was hot, and her body still pulsed with the aftershocks of pure bliss. Annalise brushed her hair back, which stuck to her sweaty face, and looked down at Blake. He slowly withdrew his fingers, kissed her on her belly, and rolled away. With a groan, he placed his hand on his crotch and squeezed.

Blake’s fingers shook as he undid the falls and took himself in hand. “God, how I want you, Annalise.” The words were whispered like a prayer.

Annalise reached for him, but the moment she touched his hand, he moved away with a curse.

“No, Annalise. Don’t,” he said, his voice hoarse. “If you touch me, I shall lose the tiny remainder of my control.”

After the bliss he’d given her, Annalise truly didn’t mind if he lost control. In fact, she was buzzing with anticipation. She remembered the act to be unpleasant, but now there was an emptiness in the center of her, and she relished the thought of Blake filling her.

“I haven’t had a woman in over a year, my dear. If I take you now, I might inadvertently hurt you. And it’s the last thing I want to do. You deserve more. A lot more.”

“You didn’t…” Annalise faltered, but she couldn’t keep the question in any longer. They vowed that today they would not speak of the past. But it was no use. The curiosity, the jealousy, was burning inside her. She cleared her throat. “You didn’t have anyone when you were away?”

Blake, who was lying on his back, with his eyes closed, his face a grimace of pain, opened his eyes and shot a strange look at her. “Darling, I haven’t had anyone since the moment I met you. Anyone else, that is. The last time I was with a woman was with you, on our wedding night.” He grimaced and turned away from her.

She remembered that night clearly. But she didn’t believe his words. “What about your mistresses?”

“I’ve told you… I wasn’t unfaithful to you, I swear. I was angry with you after the wedding night, which is ridiculous, I know. I shouldn’t have been angry with you—I should have directed the fury at myself—but I was. And I thought… to humiliate you,” he said with a grimace and turned back to her, his eyes full of entreaty. “I was an arse and an idiot. I listened to my father. And after he died, I… Well, I took all his words as gospel. I know it doesn’t make it any better for you, but I swear… As selfish of an arse as I was, as callous and foolish, one thing I never was is unfaithful.”

Annalise sat up and looked around the room for her clothing. A dressing gown lay on the corner of the bed, so she took it and wrapped her naked form. She felt vulnerable naked around him. She felt even more vulnerable now that he’d confessed the hurt he had caused her in the past was on purpose. Did she dare believe that he was truly faithful, just cruel? Was one even better than the other? Her rioting thoughts battled in her mind.

“I shall never take anything from you again. I shall only give… anything you want.”

Annalise nodded without turning his way. “I would like to be alone now.”

“Of course.” Blake stood, hovered a few moments beside her, but then turned on his heel and stalked away.