Annalise shrugged. “I don’t know. Two of my friends are hurting right now, and I am powerless to do anything.”

Annalise’s bodice sagged as Blake finished with the buttons. He slowly took it off and placed it on the chair beside the bed. He started diligently working on the ties of her corset.

“We can’t help Lady Caroline with grief, but we can offer her support, perhaps even help with the funeral arrangements.”

We. The word warmed Annalise’s heart. Ever since her wedding to Blake, she’d had to do everything alone. Redecorating the house, running the household, hosting dinners. He had never referred to them as a unit. She was by herself, and he was by himself. Perhaps he had changed. She wanted to believe that with all her heart. Especially now.

“As for Lady Lavinia,” Blake continued as he stripped away the corset and started working on her overskirt. “I don’t know if you’re still in the mood for the theater, but I reserved a box for tomorrow. We can all go together. I already invited St. John and Townsend, so the company is going to be lively.”

Annalise nodded absently. “I think the theater would be good to take our minds off things.”

The door opened then, and maids came rushing in, the footmen behind them with the tub and buckets of steaming water. The maids arranged the area for the bath, preparing the towels while the bath was filled.

By the time all preparations were over, Annalise was stripped down to her chemise and stockings.

Blake turned to her and said, “I believe you can take care of the rest yourself.”

“Or… you could stay,” Annalise said impulsively and bit her lip. “I mean, I could use your help getting into the tub.”

The truth was, being comforted by Blake, being in his arms again was exactly what she needed. She didn’t want to be alone again with her gloomy thoughts. The tender care with which he helped her undress had pulled at the strings in her heart. She craved closeness with him. Perhaps it wasn’t the smartest thing to rely on him again, but she needed it now. It was all right to be weak at times, wasn’t it?

Blake eyed the tall walls of the tub warily.

“That’s not necessary. I apologize, I can ask Ruth to—”

“No,” Blake replied instantly. “It’s no bother. I shall help you.”

Annalise nodded. “I just need to take off my stockings.”

She sat gingerly on the edge of the bed and hitched the skirt of her chemise up so she could reach the garter. Blake’s gaze burned on her skin like a fiery caress. Annalise raised her head, and he hastily looked away.

Annalise’s cheeks burned as she finished stripping her stockings. She lowered her chemise and walked toward Blake. He instantly offered his arm and helped her step into the bathtub. The warm water felt so good on her tired muscles, enveloping her feet and calves. Blake glanced at her billowing chemise in the water, then raised a brow.

“Are you going to take a bath in the chemise?”

“No. I shall take it off as soon as you leave.”

Blake made a couple of steps back. “What if I don’t leave?”

Annalise’s eyes rounded. Was he teasing? She hadn’t thought this part through. She wanted him to stay, but she had never been completely naked around him. “I believe in that case I shall stand like this forever.”

Blake let out a tiny laugh. “I’d like to see that.” He gave a crooked smile before walking up to her with a serious expression on his face. “Come. Who is going to help you wash?”

“Ruth will.” Annalise’s heart beat an incessant staccato in her chest. The teasing, the banter. It all reminded her of the early courtship with Blake.

He theatrically looked around. “I don’t see her anywhere. And the servants’ bell is a few feet away from the bath. If you want to call her, you will have to step out of the bath yourself. Besides, why bother her when you have a husband by your side? Come. Put me to work.”

Annalise lowered her eyes. He wanted to help her wash? Did husbands even do such things?

“I shall be your perfect maid, I promise,” he coaxed. Annalise narrowed her eyes on him, and he smiled. “I shall do anything you ask of me. Just for today.”

“For the entire day?” Annalise grinned, liking the picture of Blake doing her every bidding.

Blake nodded. “Use your power wisely, my lady.” He winked and stretched out his arm.

She took it and slowly lowered herself into the bath, her chemise billowing in the water. She pushed it down, and Blake smirked.

“You know you can take it off, right?”