Olivia grimaced. “I don’t want to say. At least, not yet. Please, I just need help with my wardrobe.”

Caroline frowned. “I shall gladly help you, of course. But the wardrobe will not be enough. We can help more if you let us know who this gentleman is.”

“I know. But as long as you help me with my appearance, I have a plan for the rest.”

Annalise and Caroline exchanged curious glances.

“All right,” Caroline conceded, and then she visibly perked up. “Oh, I shall make certain you will have a new gown in time for my ball. Mrs. Deville, my modiste, is a miracle worker. One time, she prepared three gowns for me in two days. She will put all other work aside.”

“Well, this is exciting!” Annalise exclaimed. “It looks like this year, both of you are officially on the marriage hunt.”

“In that case, I am the prey,” Caroline said, and the room filled with laughter.

* * *

Blake came home to find that his wife was still out. He wondered if she was avoiding him. If that was the case, then he would have a hard time getting her back. How in the world was he supposed to make it up to her if he didn’t see her? And if he were honest with himself, he had no idea how he’d start making it up to her, even if she were present.

He had been a major arse for the most part—no, for the whole part—of their marriage, the time he was away notwithstanding. But Blake still had hope in his heart that she’d managed to retain some of the regard she’d held for him.

The sound of a carriage distracted him from his thoughts. Then there were sounds from the main hall, and Blake stepped out to greet his wife. She smiled at the butler as she walked into the hall and handed him her gloves, pelisse, and a bonnet. Her smile faltered the moment she looked up and saw Blake standing in front of her, but she quickly put it back on. A feigned smile.

“How was the nuncheon?” he asked.

“Good.” Annalise lowered her head and walked past him.

“Did you decide on our itinerary for the week?” he asked after her.

Annalise threw him a glance over her shoulder. “As a matter of fact, yes. The Marquess of Roth, Caroline’s uncle, is hosting a ball on Sunday. And I promised Caroline we shan’t attend any social events before then.” She started up the stairs.

Blake followed in her steps. “Splendid, are we to spend the evenings at home, then?”

She stopped abruptly and turned, obviously not realizing how close he stood to her. Blake, failing to halt on time, almost ran into Annalise. She swayed, and he grabbed her by her upper arms so she wouldn’t fall.

She looked up at him, her neck bared, her breasts almost brushing the front of his shirt. Heat simmered inside him, collecting at his crotch. His cock instantly got on alert and ready. His wife was too enticing for her own good. It didn’t help that he hadn’t had a woman in over a year.

Her lips were parted, and her chest was heaving from the run up the stairs. Blake wanted to lower his head and suckle on her lips. He would take her in his arms, kiss her slowly, leisurely, then sweep her off her feet and throw her into the bed. He wouldn’t rush it, though. He wanted to taste her. Slowly. And he wanted to pleasure her the way he’d never pleasured anyone.

She stepped back slowly and disengaged from his arms. Her breathing was still accelerated. Perhaps she felt the heat too. She shook her head. “I didn’t realize you would be spending your nights home,” she said, sounding distracted.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked with a frown.

She looked away without saying a word. Her silence screamed louder than any words.Because you never did.

His heart immediately broke into a million tiny pieces. How could he have hurt her so much? How could he have been such an arse to such an innocent flower?

He raised his hand to brush her cheek with his fingers. She watched him warily, so he lowered his hand. Blake didn’t want to see her flinch away from his touch. He didn’t want her to think he would take the liberties he wanted. He wanted her to trust him. To crave his touch, as he did hers.

“I have no intention of leaving this house without you, unless on business,” he said. “I know I’ve hurt you in the past, but I have no intention of doing that either.”

Annalise gave him a pitying look. Blake ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Annalise, I meant what I said. I want to win you back. I want us to go back to the way things were before our marriage. Before…”I ruined everything.He didn’t have enough courage to say it out loud. “I do not deserve your forgiveness. I know that. Or even the benefit of the doubt. I’ve failed you too many times to count. But I shall try to make amends. And I hope you decide it is enough.”

He lowered his head slowly, afraid to spook her, hoping she wouldn’t flinch away from him. When she didn’t, he kissed her chastely on her cheek. He drew away and paused a few inches away from her, breathing her in, delighting at the closeness. Annalise raised her eyes to his. It took all his self-control not to lower his head again and take her lips in a demanding kiss. He straightened instead.

Annalise gave a tiny nod and scurried away.

Blake took it as a good sign. The first step toward the renewal of their relationship. He walked away while fortune was still on his side. He’d see her at supper and try to make a second step.

* * *