The Wedding Day

Autumn 1739

Lavinia stood in front of Annalise, looking at her with unconcealed awe.

“You are breathtakingly gorgeous,” she said.

“Thank you, dear. And incredibly happy. I am so lucky, Lavinia, to find the gentleman I have been dreaming of.”

Lavinia clapped her hands in delight. “I am so happy for you.”

“It shall happen to you too.” Annalise smiled. She perched herself on the bed and petted the coverlet next to her. “Come, sit for a moment.”

As Lavinia did, Annalise took a small pouch out of her pocket. “I got this for him as a gift,” she said with a smile and extended the pouch to Lavinia.

Lavinia peeked inside and fished out a silver locket. She opened it and beheld Annalise’s miniature. “It’s beautiful.”

“I spent hours sitting for that.” Annalise took the gift back and store it in her pocket. “I hope he likes it.”

“He will love it. Now he will always have you by his side.”

Annalise looked up. “Do you remember that night at our house many summers ago? You came to my garret as you always did after our bedtime, and we made a wish under a full moon?”

“We wrote down our perfect men and burned those wishes over the candle,” Lavinia said.

Annalise giggled. “Yes.”

“Is Lord Moore that gentleman you wished for?”

“Yes. I think he truly is.” Annalise wiped her eyes. “Oh, look at me, I am tearing up!”

Lavinia handed her a handkerchief and wiped her own eyes.

“Your wish will also come true. I am certain of it.”

Lavinia gave her a lopsided smile. “I wished for Dane, if you remember. I do not think I am going to get him. Besides, it was just a childish infatuation. It shall pass.”

The door opened then, and Annalise’s mother entered.

“Lavinia, be a dear and leave me and my daughter alone. There are some things I need to tell her of the wedding night.”

Lavinia pursed her lips in compressed laughter, and Annalise mirrored the action. They were both ignorant of matters concerning the marital bed and both curious to find out what it entailed.

As Lavinia left the room, Annalise’s mother entered and perched herself on the bed, where Lavinia sat just a moment ago.

“I suppose it is time for me to tell you the truth about what’s awaiting you in married life. You’ve been stubborn, scandalously so, in choosing your husband, and we’ve had no choice but to honor your wish lest you humiliate us with an elopement. You haven’t listened to me or your father thus far, but I hope you will listen now.”

Annalise raised her brow. This was most ominous for the beginning of a lecture about married life.

“Gentlemen like Lord Moore—young, soon to be titled, energetic—they are never faithful to their wives. They are persistent in using their right to your marriage bed, and when they tire of you, they move on to their mistresses.”

“That won’t happen to me,” Annalise said with certainty.

“So naïve, my dear. We wanted to marry you to patient, quiet Norfolk, but you rebelled. Lord Moore’s scandalous pursuits are talked about throughout the high society. He drinks, he gambles, he chases after every light skirt in the vicinity, just like his father used to do. He is young and strong, so he will be demanding of you.”

“Blake is strong, you are right, yet he’s gentle. He is nothing like you describe. And he is nothing like his father. We shall be happy together. You will soon see it for yourself.”

Her mother smiled. “They are all gentle until the wedding day. Then they either turn into beasts or ignore you for the rest of your life. I suppose the latter is the better of the two.” She shrugged. “But do not worry, dear; you will soon see it for yourself.”