Chapter 17

It was the day of the grand ball, and Annalise was a nervous wreck. She hadn’t seen Blake for two days. After the tender night she’d spent in his arms, the night he’d promised to be there when she woke up, instead, she awakened alone, and Blake had disappeared for the next two days.

Annalise knew that he’d occasionally been in the house. The door to his study was shut, and food was sometimes delivered there, but she hadn’t managed to catch him, and he hadn’t spent nights at home either.

What had happened that night that he just disappeared like that? Was it just because of her courses? Annalise knew, deep down, that the reason must have been more complex than that, but after the experience she went through for the first months of their marriage, she didn’t feel confident about anything. And this seemed too familiar. After a few weeks of courting, he started acting exactly the way he had during their marriage.

She only prayed that he’d actually show up to their ball.

It was the first ball she’d hosted as the Countess of Payne. She’d hosted a couple of dinners and a musical the year before but never a ball. And this was the first official event in the Payne house since Blake’s return, so they were expecting lots of guests.

Annalise was nervous and anxious about the ball, especially since she didn’t have anyone to rely on. And during this stressful time for her, Blake was nowhere to be found. Annalise sent the housekeeper to find him and remind him that the ball was in an hour.

She really should be the one to find him, but she was afraid she would break down if she was unsuccessful. If he didn’t come to fetch her before the guests started arriving, she would have to host their first ball alone.

Ruth made an intricate coiffure and let a few golden ringlets loose at the front and back of her head. She dressed her in a deep coral gown, fastened the heavy ruby necklace Blake bought her around her neck and handed her the silk gloves.

Annalise gave one more twirl before the mirror and went to look out the window. Soon, the guests would arrive, and the ball would begin. Annalise picked on the tips of her gloves.

“Breathtaking.” Blake’s hoarse voice startled her, and Annalise jumped before whirling on him. Blake gave her an apologetic smile. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” He walked further into the room.

“I didn’t hear the door open.” Annalise’s voice was breathless; her heart beat incessantly against her chest.

“I should have knocked; I just… couldn’t wait another moment to see you.”

Annalise expelled a breath in relief.You came. She didn’t realize fully how frightened she was that Blake might let her down again.

Blake made a few long strides, and in a moment, he was right in front of her, holding her gloved hands in his. “Is everything all right?” he asked. “You seem—”

“Nervous,” Annalise said with a shaky laugh. “I thought… I was afraid… I haven’t seen you for two days.”

Blake brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “I am sorry, darling. I had a few things to take care of, but I shall be with you every step of the way.”

Annalise closed her eyes. Their problems could wait. She would question Blake about what kept him from her later. She’d have plenty of time to worry about their future after the ball. For now, she bathed in the warmth of his reassurance. This was all she ever needed to hear. That he would be there beside her. Always.

Blake placed a soft, warm kiss on her forehead, and Annalise sighed.

“Shall we?” Blake offered his arm, and Annalise took it with a smile.

* * *

Blake stood with Annalise in the receiving line for what seemed like forever. Ever since the visit to the Hades hell, Blake had felt twitchy and on edge. He’d come back from the outing shaking and covered in a cold sweat. Ford had told him he should be able to sleep easier after their visit to the gambling hell, but that wasn’t the case.

After having a long, warm bath, he’d locked himself in the study, fighting to keep the old memories at bay. He reached for the bottle of brandy once or twice but hadn’t been able to pick it up. He’d promised himself to be better for Annalise. He’d promise himself to never have an alcoholic drink again. She hated the smell of alcohol on him, but most importantly, he loathed the man he turned into when he was foxed. Not a man, a beast. So he kept himself from drinking, but that meant his thoughts and memories were driving him insane.

Blake couldn’t come to Annalise in this state of mind. He would have terrified her with his appearance. He wanted nothing more but to spend nights in her arms. But he was tense and irritable, and he never wanted Annalise to see him this way.

When it became obvious that the memories plaguing him would not disappear, he decided to do something useful. So he left the house and followed a lead of his own.

He went to the clubs and social events, looking for Jarvis. He wanted to see if any message would be delivered to him or if he’d act strange in any way. The first night they’d spent together, nothing seemed out of place, but on the second night, Jarvis had left the company during the night, disappearing without so much as a word.

And this morning, Blake had received a note from Ford, saying that something had happened in Hades hell. A fight broke out, and a few men defected, nearly setting the place on fire. It might have been unrelated, or this might have been the result of Hades recognizing one of the sketches and trying to punish his men for disobedience.

Two gentlemen came up to the greeting line, laughing. Blake looked up and saw Jarvis and their mutual friend, the one they’d spent the previous nights in the clubs with.

“Lord St. John, Lord Bradshaw, welcome.” Annalise curtsied with a smile.

“Jarvis, Bradshaw.” Blake sketched a bow.