Blake took her hand and gently caressed her fingers. “Does it hurt?”

Annalise let out a small laugh. “No. Well, a little, but it’s not a bother.”

“Then why are you crying?”

“I thought…” She swallowed. “I hoped that I’d be with child by now.”

Blake frowned in confusion, and Annalise looked away.

“That’s… I’m sorry.” He reached out, took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and turned her to face him. “But it’s not a big deal. We shall try again, I promise.”

A smile was lining his voice, and a sob tore from Annalise’s mouth.

Blake kissed her gently on her forehead. “Darling, why does it bother you so?”

Annalise wiped her tears.Because it reminds me of the child that could have been.She didn’t say that out loud. She couldn’t.

“What if I can’t have children?” she asked instead.

“We’ve only spent one night, darling. I am certain it needs more time than that.”

Last time it took just one night.She lowered her eyes but didn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry, darling,” Blake whispered and kissed her softly on her cheek. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. But do you mind if I stay here with you?”

“Blake, I can’t… I am not comfortable doing that while I have my monthly courses.”

“Doing that… Do you mean sleeping in one bed with me?”

“No, I mean the other thing,” she grumbled.

Blake pursed his lips, holding back his laughter. “Darling, I don’t need the other thing from you every night. It would be nice, yes, I shan’t deny it. But right now, I just want to hold you in my arms and comfort you.”

Another tear streaked down Annalise’s cheek, and Blake wiped it away.

“Do you mind if we place Miss Gale from hell into her basket? I do not think she appreciates me being near her.”

Annalise smiled and shook her head.

Blake reached for the cat, but she jumped out of bed with a hiss, not letting him even touch her. Annalise fought to hold on to her laughter.

“That fiend does not like me at all, does she?”

Annalise shook her head. “Do not take it personally. She is avoiding all men. Hisses at Crane and all footmen all the time.”

Blake pulled back the covers and scooted inside. He covered them both, turned Annalise to face him, and placed the softest kiss on her mouth.

When he was about to pull back, Annalise snaked her arm around his neck and kissed him deeply. Blake groaned and swept his tongue inside, teasing her, licking at the corners of her mouth.

When he pulled away, they were both breathless. Annalise’s breasts chafed against the fabric of her nightgown uncomfortably.

Blake ran his hands up her sides and caressed her breasts. He then lowered his head and licked at her nipples through the fabric.

Annalise arched against him, tension building up between her thighs.

“No, Blake, please,” she whispered, her chest rising and falling from the intensity of her breaths.

Blake raised his head and looked at her. His eyes were heavy-lidded with passion, his mouth wet and puffy from their kisses.