Caroline raised her hand. “Please, Annalise, not now.”

Annalise didn’t quite know what to say to that. She simply nodded. Perhaps Caroline needed some time to adjust to the idea that her uncle was gone. That, as much as she was devoted to him, she didn’t need to be now that he was gone. She could be true to herself. Thankfully, Annalise was spared the need to say anything at all. The butler appeared at the door.

“His Grace, the Duke of Wolverstone,” he said loudly.

Annalise expelled a breath of relief. The duke was a long-time friend of Caroline’s family. He was extremely close with the marquess, and Caroline regarded Wolverstone like family. He’d know what to do; he’d give Caroline peace of mind.

Annalise dropped into a curtsy as the stately old duke entered the parlor. He gave a polite nod toward Annalise before walking resolutely to Caroline.

He hugged her tight to his chest, and Caroline sagged against him. The fatherly show of affection and Caroline’s reaction to it brought a tear to Annalise’s eye. She was glad that her friend was not alone. Caroline was with someone she trusted, someone who had been there her entire life. Someone who loved her like a daughter. Annalise’s own father wouldn’t fit the descriptors above. Men in her life had a tendency to let her down. And this made the entire scene even more emotional.

“Where is he?” the duke asked as Caroline disengaged from him.

“His rooms,” Caroline answered and wiped at her tears.

“I shall go see him then.” The duke’s voice was hoarse with emotion. “Lady Annalise.” The tears glistened in his eyes as he gave Annalise a nod. He slowly turned and left the room.

“Do you need anything?” Annalise asked as the door closed behind the duke.

Caroline just shook her head, her eyes glassy.

“Did you want something?” she suddenly asked as she looked up at Annalise. “You started saying something before—before all that.” She waved a hand toward the door and looked at Annalise expectantly.

Annalise chewed on the inside of her lip. Caroline wasn’t in the right mind to discuss her betrothal, and she, without a doubt, didn’t need Lavinia’s problems dumped on her. So Annalise pulled on a tight smile.

“It’s not important,” she said. “Do you want me to stay?”

“No.” Caroline shook her head and looked at the door. “I would rather be alone right now. But thank you for being here for me.”

Annalise nodded. “Call for me if you need anything at all.”

“I shall.”

Annalise passed her friend and turned at the door. Caroline was still standing in one place, staring at the walls, her gaze empty. Lavinia’s tear-streaked face appeared before Annalise’s eyes once again.

What a mess all this was. Both of her friends were hurting, and there was nothing she could do for either of them.