Chapter 10

Annalise woke up to a light rap on the door. She sat up and adjusted her nightcap, which had gone askew during the night.

“Come in,” she called and watched as Blake trailed into her room with a breakfast tray.

She blinked at the surprising tableau.

Last night, they hadn’t talked after the incident in the hall, or at least they hadn’t talked alone. They had returned home, and Annalise retired immediately. But Lavinia’s words never left her mind. What if she was right? Should she try to enjoy the two months she had with Blake? Build the memories together and maybe, just maybe, leave this place with a babe in her belly? Warmth unfurled inside at the thought.

“Good morning.” Blake placed a tray on her lap.

It was filled with kippers, eggs, tomatoes, and other morning meal goodness. And a garden rose lay at the side.

Annalise raised a brow.

“Please, accept this meal as my apology,” Blake said with a smile.

“Apology?” Annalise picked up the rose and caressed her face with its petals.

“Yes. For acting like a complete arse at the ball. Jealous arse, might I add.”

Annalise pursed her lips to keep from laughing, the image of a jealous arse not leaving her mind. She picked up a fork and started chasing the food around the plate to avoid his gaze.

His behavior during the ball last night was disagreeable, true. However, if he started apologizing, there were far more grievous things he’d done in the past.

“I’ve been ill-tempered and acted unfairly toward you.” He paused. “However, I do not regret the kiss.”

Annalise froze with the fork halfway to her mouth. She didn’t regret it either. That kiss had kept her awake half the night. He’d stirred the feelings and desires within her that she’d rather keep hidden, but she couldn’t help but crave him.

He waited, watching her. As if hoping she would return the sentiment. Annalise popped the fork into her mouth and chewed to keep herself from voicing aloud her desires.

After a brief pause, he continued. “I understand that this isn’t the only thing I should apologize for. But we promised to set aside the past, didn’t we?”

Annalise nodded. “Perhaps.” She took a sip of chocolate and relaxed against the pillows. “Mm, it tastes like heaven.”

“Good.” Blake grinned at her.

“Would you care to join me?” Annalise raised a cup, and Blake’s grin turned wolfish.

Instead of taking the cup in his hand, he leaned forward and sipped right from the cup while Annalise tried to hold it steady.

“No!” she yelped, laughing. “You’ll spill it!”

Blake took the cup and placed it on the tray. “The tastiest chocolate I’ve ever had.”

Annalise shook her head. “You are preposterous,” she said with a light smile.

The devil was creeping back into her heart. She wasn’t certain she was ready to allow it.

Blake tilted his head toward the tray. “Eat, darling.”

Annalise smiled self-consciously. “Would you like some of this? I feel strange eating by myself.”

“No, this is all for you. I noticed you haven’t eaten much since my return. I’d like to change that if I can.”

Annalise sputtered a laugh. “Is that why you insisted I join you for meals?”

“One of the reasons, yes.” Blake grinned in return. “Listen,” he said after a short pause. “I know I haven’t been a perfect husband. The least agreeable, in fact. But I want to change that. To that end, if you need anything—wish for anything—just tell me. I shall be certain to make all your wishes come true.”