“How would you even know who is or is not my friend? You didn’t even recognize Lavinia,” Annalise said. It was true, but Blake was not about to concede his point.

“I am your husband, and I have every right to dictate who may or may not socialize with my wife. Especially if it comes to my wife’s former betrothed.”

Annalise scoffed. “You didn’t much care about who I socialized with before. Why start now?”

They circled other dancers, and people smiled at them politely. Blake smiled and made his expression as pleasant as possible. “Why do you always have to bring up the past? Can’t we move on from that?”

“And you being jealous of Kensington is not bringing up the past?”

“It’s different. You were betrothed as recently as sennight ago.”

“And I thought you dead as recently as sennight ago,” Annalise said heatedly before composing her features for the benefit of the observing crowd. “You can’t expect me to move on from the past when the past is just seven days old.” Blake whirled Annalise among the crowd before they resumed their place in the circle. “You said you would try to win me back, but so far, you haven’t done anything to make me think you’ve changed.”

“Haven’t I?”

“You don’t confide in me, you restrict my movements, and you order me about, expecting me to comply immediately. I shall not do that anymore, Blake.” Annalise stopped on the dancefloor, but Blake picked her up and whirled her around.

“Keep dancing,” he hissed between his teeth.

Annalise resumed dancing begrudgingly, and Blake heard the snickers from the crowd. Annalise laughed for the benefit of the surrounding people, and Blake felt cold inside.

“You can’t expect me to fix our marriage in just seven days,” he said.

“No, but I expect you to at least try.”

Blake didn’t answer, and they continued the dance in silence after that.

* * *

Annalise couldn’t help but feel a frisson of pleasure from being in Blake’s arms again. The tender touch of his hand, the feel of his heat, and the tantalizing scent of his cologne.

Her body was a fool to be so easily lulled into false contentment by just being near a man who had hurt her like nobody else ever had. She averted her gaze and held herself as far away from him as the dance allowed.

Annalise noticed Olivia standing awkwardly by the wall. She looked beautiful in her new gown, but it was too revealing, and Olivia felt uncomfortable. Instead of shining in it, she hid in the shadows. How the modiste had managed to prepare two gowns so fast was a mystery to Annalise.

They turned in the dance, and she saw Lavinia dancing with Kensington. Annalise couldn’t help but smile. She’d had to use quite a bit of her wiles to make Kensington ask Lavinia to dance without making it seem like she was the one orchestrating it. It had to look like it was his idea. Otherwise, he would just feel pressured and wouldn’t think about asking Lavinia to dance again. She’d feel like a chore, and this was the last thing they needed. It seemed to have worked, too.

She’d worried about facing Kensington after everything that had happened, but the first thing he had asked when she talked to him was about her wellbeing. He was a good man, a reliable man, someone who would dote on his wife. She wished nothing less for her friend. Both Lavinia and Kensington deserved love in their lives.

Lavinia’s eyes were glowing with happiness as she smiled up into Kensington’s eyes. The moment the dance was over, he escorted Lavinia to the sideline, and Annalise saw her friend fan herself vigorously.

“You keep watching him; it’s unseemly,” her husband said.

“Pardon?” Annalise frowned up at him.

“Kensington, you keep watching him.”

Annalise didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. His jealousy was so out of place. Of course, he had no idea that it was Lavinia who she’d been watching, and she found no reason to correct him. Let him suffer. It wasn’t as if he’d been so innocent.

At that moment, the Marquess of Roth, Caroline’s uncle, stepped into the circle and demanded everybody’s attention. Annalise wondered what kind of announcement the man wanted to make. Tonight’s ball was extravagant, and it was clear that he had spared no expense. Did he plan for it to be special from the start?

“Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,” the marquess said loudly. “It is with great pleasure that I make this announcement.” He smiled almost wolfishly. “My dear niece has finally conceded to a proposal of marriage, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Annalise’s mouth dropped open. Caroline had agreed to a match? Why hadn’t she told her anything?

An unpleasant feeling settled deep in her belly.

“This match—and I wouldn’t be exaggerating when I call it the match of the century—” the marquess continued.