She was like two different people when he was around. One was cautious and wary and wanted to keep him at a distance. And the other was desperate for his touch, his kiss.

“Wait,” she said and scrambled to get up.

Blake paused at the doorway, watching her with a surprised frown on his face. Annalise went to her vanity, opened a jewelry box, and picked up his signet ring. She came closer to him and extended her hand.

“I received a note declaring your demise together with this ring a few days after your disappearance.” She swallowed, the memory of the horrid day assailing her. She shook her head to dispel the image. “Townsend, when he inherited the earldom, refused to wear your signet ring. Another one was made for him… I kept this one with me.”

Blake stared mutely at the ring for a long moment. He finally reached for it, slowly, hesitantly, then took it, his fingers brushing against Annalise’s skin. He didn’t put it on, just stared at it, frowning.

“I thought you might want it back,” Annalise whispered.

“Thank you,” Blake finally croaked out. He hid the ring in his fist and gave Annalise a soft smile before walking away.