“Children are a blessing.”

“To you, maybe.” Caroline raised a brow slightly. “But not to their nurse who has to listen to their constant whining and crying, has to feed them, bathe them… Do you know they can’t even sit up until they are about—I don’t know, maybe a year old.”

Annalise laughed again. “That is not true. You clearly have not spent any time with children. And how do you know about shouting and crying and everything else you described?”

“Mrs. Pelham told me.”

“Your chaperone?” Annalise widened her eyes.

Caroline’s chaperone, a proper little old spinster, never seemed to talk, much less scare a young lady with such gruesome details.

“Her sister has eight children. I believe that was the reason Mrs. Pelham herself doesn’t have any, although she’d never admit it. She actually tells the stories of the mayhem at her sister’s house as if it’s a blessing.”

Annalise bit back a smile. “I shall wait for Olivia to join me so we can describe the merits of motherhood together.”

“How would either of you know?” Caroline asked in an offhand manner. “You don’t have children, and Olivia is not even married!”

Annalise’s heart squeezed at her words, and she decided to change the subject. “You were saying your uncle wants you to marry?”

“Yes, he’s become a little… paranoid. He is sure that he will be gone soon, and I shall be left all alone in this world, without protection. He is shoving one suitor after another at me. Even went so far as to draft a betrothal contract! I keep telling him I don’t need protection; I have my inheritance.” She shrugged nonchalantly, but Annalise knew that thinking of her uncle’s inevitable demise wasn’t easy for Caroline.

The marquess was like a father to her. He’d inherited the title from Caroline’s father when Caroline was but a babe. He took her in and raised her as his own. Annalise knew Caroline loved the man. She also knew it wasn’t out of the possibility that the old marquess might pass soon. He wasn’t too old, only a little over fifty, but his mind was not sharp anymore, and he indeed became paranoid. He was always looking around, acting overly cautious, afraid to speak with other people in the vicinity. During the last few months, he’d hidden out in his room most of the time.

And although Caroline joked and rolled her eyes when she recited the story, Annalise knew that inside, her friend was hurting. For the life of her, she didn’t know what words of support to offer. She sympathized with her friend, but she also knew that a young lady’s life, even the life of an heiress, would not be easy without a gentleman’s protection. It opened a lot of opportunities for dishonorable men to take advantage of her.

“If anyone can take care of themselves, it’s you,” she said instead with a soft smile. At least that part, she didn’t doubt for a moment.

The door opened then, and a butler appeared. “The honorable Olivia Manning,” he proclaimed.

Olivia entered and hurried toward them. “Good, you haven’t started yet. I have a tremendous favor to ask!” she said in lieu of a greeting.

Olivia had never been good with small talk, one of the reasons she did so poorly on the marriage mart. But that didn’t matter to the ladies currently occupying the drawing room.

“Good to see you, Olivia!” Caroline stood and offered Olivia a seat. “Please, sit down. The sandwiches should be here shortly, and we are discussing my marriage prospects.”

“Oh, truly? I didn’t think you wanted to get married.”

“I don’t. My uncle, however, has other plans.”

Olivia turned to Annalise. “Apologies, Annalise, I am so winded I didn’t even greet you. I didn’t think you’d be here today due to your husband’s return. Are you well? Is Payne well?”

“Yes, he has recovered and is ready to make his first appearance at atonevent.”

Caroline perked up suddenly. “Surely you will want to make a grand appearance!” she exclaimed. “And my ball is coming up on Sunday. It is the perfect opportunity. If you show up with your husband after he appeared so dramatically at your betrothal celebration, my ball will be a huge success. Every person in London will attend just to see the two of you together.”

Annalise laughed at the opportunistic thoughts of her friend. That was Caroline, always taking advantage of any situation, good or bad. “Your balls are always a success.”

Caroline waved the flattery aside. “Promise me,” she said vehemently, “no public appearances before my ball.”

Annalise laughed. “All right, I promise.”

At that moment, maids came strolling in with tea, sandwiches, and biscuits.

Caroline turned to Olivia after she poured the tea. “You had a favor to ask?”

“Right.” Olivia spun her cup between her fingers, unable to keep still. “Remember, a long time ago, you told me that if I had a gentleman in mind, you would help me in picking out a perfect wardrobe that would help me ensnare him?”

Annalise’s mouth dropped open. “Who is the gentleman?”