The Courtship

Spring 1739

The clock ticked loudly on the mantelpiece of the drawing room, measuring away the allotted fifteen minutes. A good portion of those fifteen minutes had already passed, yet Annalise’s suitor, Lord Norfolk, had yet to say a word. He’d cleared his throat about a dozen times, cleaned his glasses, and shifted in his seat, but so far, he hadn’t spoken.

Annalise sat on the settee, her hands demurely folded on her lap, a blank look in her eyes, and a fake smile stretching her cheeks. She thought her face was going to crack in two if she had to smile any longer. Why did he even bother to call on her if he had nothing to say to her at all? Although perhaps she should have been more grateful that anyone sought her out after her behavior at the ball the night before.

The main reason for her irritation was not the suitor currently occupying her drawing room, however. It was the suitor who had not shown up at all.

Annalise peered at the clock again, hoping the arrow would move faster than it did.

Her mother nudged her discreetly on her side, and Annalise heaved a sigh.

“Beautiful weather, isn’t it, Lord Norfolk?” she asked with a strained smile.

“Indeed.” The man grinned at her and continued staring at her in silence.

Annalise briefly closed her eyes and prayed for patience. “Did you enjoy the ball last night?”

“Oh, absolutely,” the laconic man answered and smiled.

Several more beats passed. Annalise stifled a yawn.

“Would you like to go for a ride in my barouche tomorrow afternoon?” the man finally asked, and Annalise was tempted to groan.

No, she wanted to yell and run away from the room. And she would do so too if her mother was not sitting on the same settee as her and looking at her sternly.

“It would be my pleasure, my lord,” Annalise answered tightly.

Norfolk stood, looking pleased with himself, and made a few steps toward Annalise. He took her hand and placed a slobbery kiss on her knuckles. Annalise restrained the urge to twist her hand away, unpleasant shivers running up and down her spine.

As Norfolk bowed out and left the room, Annalise collapsed against the back of the settee with an audible sigh.

“Why are you acting like this?” Her mother narrowed her eyes on her. “Norfolk is of suitable descent. He is absolutely agreeable and would be perfectly suited for you. It was your first ball. You have a perfect gentleman visit you today despite your abominable behavior, and all you do is sulk! You should be grateful, you—”

Her tirade got interrupted as the butler knocked on the door and entered the room.

“Flowers for Miss Annalise,” he said with a bow.

The next moment, a dozen footmen filed into the room carrying vases with beautiful dark red roses. Annalise’s mouth dropped open, and she rushed to smell and touch them.Could it be? Are they from him?

“A note, my lady,” one of the footmen said and extended her a short missive.

Annalise smiled brightly as she opened the note, but her eyes widened as she read it. It had four simple words.

Look out the window.

Annalise picked up her skirts and scrambled to the window. She saw a phaeton in front of her house, with two gleaming mounts. A man stood next to the animals, a hat in his hand, a smile on his lips.Blake. The man she had been waiting for the entire afternoon.

“Mama, another suitor!” she exclaimed and giggled uncontrollably while running toward the door.

“The visiting hours are over,” came the bewildered voice of her mother behind her, but Annalise wasn’t paying attention anymore. She was hurrying down the stairs.

Annalise flew into the front hall and was about to flee from the house only to come to a halt as the stately figure of her father stepped in front of her.

“No running like that in the house, young lady,” he said harshly. “Especially not to meet a gentleman who couldn’t be bothered to call during the acceptable visiting hours.”

“But, Papa—” Annalise tried to peek behind her father and see if Blake was still there.