Possible plotters behind my capture:

1.Townsend. Motive: Earldom.

He tapped the quill against his chin, squinting at an unseen point at the farther side of the wall, thinking. Then returned to the journal with a new entry:

2. Kensington. Motive: Annalise.

He thought a while more before dipping his quill in ink and scribbling for the third time:

3. Jarvis. Motive: unknown. Suspicion basis: last person to see me.

He swallowed as he looked over his writing. This wasn’t much to go on. More than that, he’d just written down three people who were arguably the closest to him. Well, perhaps not Kensington. They were friendly but not close friends. Kensington was a lot closer to Annalise and obviously cared about her a lot.

Blake eyed his name and motive for a moment before taking up his quill again. With much hesitation, he wrote down another name:

4. Annalise. Motive: freedom.