“Viscount Moore, at your service.” He looked at her, his dark eyes roaming over her form in a fashion that made her want to squirm under his perusal.

“Miss Annalise Ardee.” She curtsied and ducked her head, hiding her gaze.

“Annalise. What a beautiful name,” he said in a low, husky voice. The sound of her Christian name on his lips sent butterflies fluttering low in her belly.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “And what is your Christian name?” She was surprised by her boldness in asking that of a complete stranger.

He gave her a queer look for a moment before answering, “Blake.”

He stepped even closer, all the while studying her face. Annalise fisted her hands in her skirts to hide their shaking. Her palms were perspiring, and his closeness sent a strange quiver through her body. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her rioting nerves, only to inhale the scent of his spicy, masculine cologne.

Blake reached out slowly, carefully, as if not to spook her, and disengaged her hand from her skirts. He brought it up to his lips and kissed her knuckles with slow deliberation. Annalise’s knees buckled, and she wondered how she managed to remain upright and not turn into a quivering puddle.

“Since you’re here and not out on the dancefloor, is it sensible of me to assume that the next dance is not spoken for?”

“Actually,” Annalise pushed out past her dry lips. She had to swallow before she could continue, for her throat seemed to have a boulder lodged in it. “All my dances after this one are taken.”

“We’ll have to make the best of it then, shan’t we?” he asked with a strange twinkle in his eyes. He took her by the hand and led her back to the ballroom and onto the dancefloor.

“What are you doing?” she hissed between her teeth, but they’d already joined the other couples, and Blake spun her into a dance.

A giggle left her lips as she followed the steps without thought. They were standing opposite each other, dancing the reel, surrounded by other couples. But all Annalise could see were Blake’s dark eyes, intensely focused upon her. She smiled, and he reciprocated. Only his smile reminded her of a predatory grin. As if she were prey he was about to claim. Somehow, the thought wasn’t as disturbing as it should have been.

He spun her once more, and she laughed in joy. She was probably grinning like a simpleton, but she didn’t care how she looked to others as long as Blake kept smiling back at her. Annalise felt the entire world disappearing and leaving just the two of them. Two more bars and the music faded, the dance concluded. Disappointment settled deep in her stomach as they took their bows. Would he seek her out again after this? With that hope, she made to leave the floor, but Blake stopped her.

“We’ll dance again,” he said, a sparkle of mischief dancing in his eyes.

“But—” She looked helplessly around. “I’ve already promised this dance to Lord Hexley.”

Blake just raised his brow. “Then let him come and demand it.”

Annalise’s mouth dropped open. “You can’t do that. It will lead to a scandal.”

“Worry not.” He winked at her before looking past her shoulder. “Here comes your rescuer.”

True enough, Lord Hexley appeared at her elbow. “I believe this is my dance, Miss Ardee,” he said with a bow.

Annalise was about to answer, but Blake interrupted her swiftly. “I am afraid young Miss Ardee feels indisposed at the moment. She has a terrible, erm, headache, and I graciously offered to escort her to the refreshments room.”

At Hexley’s questioning look, Annalise smiled weakly.What is Blake doing?

“Naturally,” Lord Hexley grumbled. “Then I shall take my leave.” He put his words into action and left the dance floor, muttering something under his breath.

“What did you do that for?” Annalise watched Lord Hexley leave in astonishment.

“I thought it quite clear,” Blake said. “I wish to have this dance for myself.”

“You can’t!” Annalise exclaimed in horror. “You said you were taking me to the refreshments room, so we better make haste.”

“All in good time, my dear,” he said, and as the music started, he led her in another dance.

A chuckle left Annalise’s lips, but she didn’t protest. She was being reckless; she knew. Dancing two dances in a row with the same gentleman was scandalous enough, but considering the way Blake had taken these dances, there was bound to be gossip that could possibly—no,probably—ruin her reputation.

She was afraid Blake wouldn’t let her dance with her following partner either. She smiled inwardly at the thought. Perhaps it was the two cups of ratafia she’d had earlier that made her this impetuous or the intoxicating presence of the gentleman before her. Whatever the reason, she never wanted this dance to end.

At that moment, Blake took her by the hand and tugged her aside. “Come with me,” he said as he retraced their earlier steps and led her back onto the patio.

Annalise giggled like a foolish girl, which perhaps she was. She should have been alarmed by the behavior of this gentleman, but she wasn’t. It felt right following his lead, trusting him with their next course.