Cool fingers swept against his forehead.

Finally, that dream again. It seemed he hadn’t dreamed of her in forever. He’d missed those dreams. Her tender touch. So gentle and soft. He yearned to feel more of her. Not just her fingers against his forehead, but perhaps her hand against his cheek. Her lips on his…

Her touch left him, and he wanted to scream for it to return.No! Not in my dreams. Don’t take her away from me! This dream is all I have left because she left me.

She had left him. Again. He was left alone and confused in his empty townhouse, his heart bleeding. All because he was a selfish arse.

No. Reality had no place in his dreams.

In his dreams, Annalise was by his side, tenderly taking care of him. Her fingers traced a path against his cheek, then caressed his lips, leaving a tingly sensation in their wake.

The scent of lavender made its way to his senses. Her dear scent.

“Wake up, darling.”Her lovely voice.

Wait…That had never happened before. He’d never heard her voice in his dreams. Was it still a dream?

Blake reached for her hand hovering above his face and took it in his.

Her soft skin beneath his fingers felt like the most precious of silks. He ran his fingers over hers, then brought them to his lips and kissed them. His lips were dry and scratchy, but her cool fingers felt like a balm.

“Blake?” Her voice penetrated his foggy dream-like state.

He opened his eyes and beheld her lovely face. “I love you,” he croaked out.

Annalise pursed her lips against the smile that threatened to break out. “You are awake.”

“Yes,” he croaked. “I am awake, and I shall not stop telling you and showing you just how much I love you as long as I am awake.”

Annalise smiled and ran her fingers against his lips again. “Your lips are dry. Here, have some water.”

Blake took a glass in his hand and had a few sips. He handed her the glass back and struggled to sit up, his entire torso screaming in pain. Annalise helped readjust his pillows.

Her face was too close to his. He wanted to lean forward and capture her mouth with his. Annalise leaned back and straightened in her seat.

Blake took her hands in his. “I love you.”

She grinned. “You keep saying that.”

“Twice is not enough.”

“No.” She shook her head, still smiling. “I don’t mean now. When we brought you home, the doctor looked you over. You were in horrible pain, so he doused you with laudanum. You’ve been sleeping for three days. But every time you woke up, the first words out of your mouth were alwaysI love you.”

Blake frowned. “Three days?”


“You’ve been watching over me for three days?”

“Well, me and Miss Gale alternated shifts.”

“Where is that spawn of the devil?”

Annalise let out a chuckle. “Don’t call her that. She saved us.”

“She did?”

“Yes.” Annalise nodded. “That scratch over the bandit’s eye—the one that helped us defeat him. She did that.”