The rustle of fabric and quiet footsteps sounded around the corner.

Great. Someone had found him.

Richard sat up as a lady walked into the rose alcove. No. Not a lady.

Miss Josephine Claremont.

“Pardon, my lord. I didn’t know anyone was here,” she said as she looked around.

“No apology necessary. You are as free to occupy this space as I am. Unless, of course, you came here on an assignation.” He raised a brow.

She let out a chuckle. “Um, no.”

“Well, then.” Richard scooted to the side, indicating free space beside him on the bench.

Miss Claremont looked around again and then gingerly sat by his side. “Are you avoiding marriage-minded misses?”

Richard chuckled. “No, actually. They are avoiding me.”

Miss Claremont gave a peal of beautiful, musical laughter. “Why would they? You are one of the most eligible bachelors of this season.”

Richard raised a brow. “I am?”

“Quite. With Lord Vane married, you are one of the top contenders.”

“Well, Vane is the reason I got pushed off the pedestal. Did you not hear of the grand scandal last year? I lost a bride because of him.”

Miss Claremont’s eyes widened. “You did? How?”

Richard leaned back on his hands. “Well, Vane stumbled upon my sister in the corridor right outside the Duchess of Somerset’s ballroom and the pair fell tits over arse.”

Miss Claremont let out a laugh again. “What happened next?”

“Conveniently, a pair of gossiping old ladies came out of the ballroom right that moment and assumed they were witnessing rather a brazen affair.”

“Oh, no. It can’t be!” Miss Claremont’s eyes twinkled with merriment.

Richard paused for a moment to catch his breath. He cleared his throat and forced his eyes off her. “Yes, and naturally, scandal followed. Isabel refused to marry Vane at first, and that resulted in our quite spectacular fall from grace.”

“Why didn’t you insist on marriage?” she asked rather curiously.

Richard shrugged. “And have my sister be miserable? All because two old crones couldn’t keep their lips sealed? Seemed rather unfair.”

“But she married him still,” she said and waved her hand, encompassing the gardens and the house.

“She did. And I hope she won’t come to regret it. Although, quite surprisingly, they seem to have fallen in love.” His voice sounded bitter to his own ears.

“You don’t believe in love?”

Richard swallowed. It was a difficult question. One he didn’t know the answer to himself. “I believe my sister when she says that what she feels is love. I suppose I just don’t believe her husband is worthy of it.”

Miss Claremont laughed again. “I think it would be better for your peace of mind to believe that they are indeed in love.”

Richard snorted. “Yes. And I believe that my sister knows it.”

Miss Claremont cocked her head to the side and studied him with a frown. “You think she is feigning her delight so you do not worry?”

Richard shrugged. “It’s possible. How am I to know?”