Chapter 27

“Isee you rearranged your furniture again,” Selena said from the threshold and then walked into the spacious library that Jo had turned into her study.

She loved working among books. It gave her inspiration. So instead of turning one of the guestrooms into her workplace as Richard suggested, she’d opted to clear out one corner of the library and set up her desk there.

Jo grinned and walked toward her friend, her arms outstretched. “Just moved things a few inches to the left.”

She took Selena’s hands in hers and studied her friend from head to toe. Pink had returned to Selena’s cheeks, her eyes shone brightly, and she was back to her exuberant self, which Jo was happy to note.

“You look radiant,” she remarked.

“Today is my first day of freedom from the Gilded Rose,” Selena said. “I think it is a reason to celebrate. However, I would rather come here and help you.”

Jo beamed at her friend and led her toward her desk. “That’s very good to hear. Because I have a lot of decisions to make. Has everyone received their invitations to join us in the theater?”

“Yes,” Selena answered, settling down into a chair across from Jo. “The entire theater is abuzz with the news. Some people are scrambling to end their contracts early with the Gilded Rose like I did, and some are waiting for theirs to expire. Either way, it is safe to say that most of our friends are going to be joining us.”

“Wonderful!” Jo clapped her hands together in glee.

“You should have seen Mick as he discovered what everyone was chattering on about. He was absolutely livid.”

Jo grimaced. “I wish he would get his due. But I suppose men like him get away with the atrocities they commit. At least, he will suffer a few unpleasant days once the entire troupe leaves him. I’ll have to be content with that.”

Selena smiled gently. “You should put him out of your mind and concentrate on your venture. Could you have imagined having your own theater?”

Jo shook her head. “Not even in my dreams.”

And technically, the theater was not hers yet. The paperwork hadn’t been finalized yet. And she had hoped to find partners for her venture before the papers were drawn and signed. She didn’t want to do this on her own. She needed reliable allies besides her husband and Selena, someone who would be willing to spend their time and money on her little project.

The theater was a huge part of it but it wasn’t all. She also wanted to build a boarding home next to it for the actresses and their children—if they had any.

Many actresses in big theaters were very popular and quite well-off. But the same couldn’t be said about the Gilded Rose and other smaller venues which had no patent to perform plays during winter—the busiest season of the year.

Jo was the lead at the Gilded Rose, and thanks to her additional income from house parties, she had managed to earn sufficient money for extravagant gowns to walk among theton, and she had the means to travel and rent respectable accommodation. But the situation was far worse for actresses with smaller parts.

Jo wanted to take care of her actors. She wanted all of them to not have to work on the side. She wanted to grant actresses the freedom to not seek protectors—unless they wanted to, of course. And to that end, she needed more partners.

She had sent letters to her sisters-in-law asking if they wanted to be a part of her venture and if they knew more people who would be interested, but there was no answer as of yet.

“So,” Selena said, as she noticed Jo’s mood turning melancholy. “What were you doing before I so rudely interrupted your day?”

Jo let out a chuckle. “You didn’t interrupt me. You are going to help me. We have a lot to do. Since we don’t have the company yet, we cannot apply for the patent to perform plays. And before that patent is approved, we need to come up with other ideas of how we are going to entertain our visitors. I have ideas for melodramas, pantomimes, and—”

Selena laughed. “Did you say you needed my help with this? Or do you just need someone to listen to your ideas?”

Jo smiled. “I need someone to listen to my ideas and tell me if they are rubbish.”

“Then you came to the right person,” Selena said proudly. “Who else can tell you the truth like that? Certainly not your doting husband.”

Jo pursed her lips. Before she had the time to respond, the butler appeared on the threshold. “My lady, you have visitors,” he said with a bow.

Jo blinked. Visitors? She looked at Selena with a stupefied look on her face.

Selena shrugged. “It isn’t me. I am already here.”

“I asked them to wait in the blue parlor,” the butler added.

“Good, thank you,” she said, still dazed, then turned to Selena again. “Who could it be? I’ve been a viscountess for over a week, and I have never had visitors before! I don’t know what to do. What do I do?”