“Oh.” He was so nonchalant about it that Jo chuckled. “Then it’s another matter entirely,” she quipped.

“I knew you would agree,” he said with a wink, then tugged her toward the doors.

“No, Richard, truly. I have no time.”

“We shall eat as a family and that’s that.”

* * *

Before the words left Richard’s mouth, the meaning of what he’d said hit him hard.


As of a few days ago, he had a family of his own. Certainly, it was a tiny one. Just Jo and him, but that was enough.

He led her through the house as she watched their surroundings curiously. He still hadn’t performed the tour of this house. She hadn’t been to their country seat. He had so much to show her, to share with her.

He was infinitely impatient and yet oddly still.

He had a family.

“We should have a portrait made,” he said suddenly.

Jo turned toward him with a smile. “I would love that.”

“There is a small gallery in this house. It has all the portraits of my family. They were commissioning artists every time a new babe was born—which was almost every year.”

Jo’s laughter brought a natural smile to his lips. “I suppose you expect the same from me?”

Richard threw her a side-long glance. “Expect? No. But if our hunger for each other is anything to judge by, we’ll probably have a houseful in the first few years.”

Her smile turned gentle as she studied his face, and her intense gaze made him slightly uncomfortable. What was she thinking about? She had said that she wanted children, but how many?

If it were up to Richard, he’d have half a dozen or more. He knew he’d have to wait until Jo was ready. But for Jo, he was willing to wait forever.

He led her into the breakfast room, and she paused to take in the view. The long table stood in the middle of the room filled with food while footmen lined the wall.

“You know, I can’t quite believe that this is my life,” she said softly.

“Do you like it?”

She frowned lightly, her lips pursed. “I am not used to this decadence. I suppose it will take me some time to get used to it all. And it can’t be easy to keep the household running.”

Richard nodded as he helped her into a seat beside him. He settled at the head of the table and asked for footmen to pour them coffee and chocolate. “I have been dealing with household issues for a few months now on my own. There is no haste for you to take over. It won’t be an easy adjustment with your acting career and being a hostess of several estates… But we can find a way to make this work.”

She looked at him queerly. “Are you truly fine with me keeping my career?”

Richard looked Jo intently in the eyes. “I married you to make you happy, not miserable. I shall not ask you to make sacrifices for me.” Then he grimaced. “Well, perhaps I shall ask you to be late to work so we can make love but—”

“Richard!” she exclaimed as her eyes darted toward the footmen, her cheeks burning red.

Richard took her hand in his and pressed his lips against her knuckles. “I love making you blush.”

Doyle entered the room at that moment and bowed. “A letter for Lady Gage.”

Jo grinned as she looked at Richard and mouthed, “Lady Gage.”

He caressed her hand before letting it go. He liked the sound of her new name, too. Lady Gage.