Blast! It wasn’t working.

He withdrew just a little before plunging in again, his loins burning on the precipice of rapture. Richard forced his mind to wander again. He tried counting from ten to one in Greek, his mind finally getting distracted.

He took a deep breath as the feeling let go just a little.

Then he opened his eyes and studied Jo’s passion-filled gaze.

“Damn you, Jo,” he said hoarsely, then planted a hard kiss on her mouth. “You’re too fucking enticing. I can’t last long.”

Jo slid her hands down to his buttocks. “I don’t want long,” she whispered. “I want hard.”

Richard let out a chuckle. Then he kissed her again. “Wrap your legs around me, darling,” he whispered against her lips.

When she obeyed, Richard started moving relentlessly against her, driving his cock deep inside her, withdrawing and driving again. The bed shook with his every thrust, and Jo let out a tiny yelp. She weaved her hands behind his back, her fingers biting into his skin, her nails scraping his back.

The painful sensation only added to his excitement as he thrust into her like a mad, wild beast, feeding the flames of his passion until there was nothing but bliss.

Doubt flickered at the back of his mind, so he pulled away at the last second and spilled his seed on her belly.

His arms shook as he hovered over her, his body slick with sweat, his breath labored.

Jo was also breathing heavily, a strand of her hair stuck to her forehead and cheek. Richard gently swept it away before lowering his head and sucking on her lips.

She was so sweet. So delicious. He couldn’t keep his mouth off her. It was as if he was enchanted and had no will of his own.

She smiled against his lips and caressed his sweat-dampened skin. With a groan, Richard rolled off her and walked into his dressing room. He cleaned himself up and then brought a wet towel to her. He cleaned their mutual juices off her, threw away the towel, and then lay down next to her.

Jo immediately scooted toward him and laid her head on his chest. Richard collected her against his side and kissed her hair.

She ran her finger against his abdomen, tickling him. Richard chuckled and caught her hand. “Don’t. Not yet. Let me rest a bit.”

She raised her eyes to his. “You like it?” she asked coquettishly.

“I like it when you touch me. No matter where,” he said and kissed her fingers.

She frowned before looking away.

“What is it?” He pressed his finger to her chin, compelling her to look at him again.

Her eyes turned to his abdomen once again. “Why did you… withdraw?” Her cheeks heated.

Richard laughed and cuddled her closer to him. “Sometimes I forget that you’re not as experienced as you seem.”

She raised a questioning brow.

Richard caressed her cheek with his finger. “You still blush,” he whispered. “As for why I withdrew…” He took a deep breath. “I wasn’t certain if you were amenable to me finishing inside you. And by that, I mean the possibility of having children. We never spoke of it.”

She moved so that she was lying on top of him now, her hands on his chest, her chin against her hands. “Oh. I assumed… Well, you need heirs. I assumed you wouldn’t ask me.”

Now it was Richard’s turn to raise his brow. “I would never force you to have children, Jo. I am a viscount. But I have brothers. I understand that pulling out is not a long-term solution, but there are other ways we can prevent pregnancy. If that’s what you want.”

“You’d do that for me?” Her brows were furrowed, her lips in a pout.

Richard smiled. “I’d do anything for you, darling. I would hope you’d know this by now.”

Her frown didn’t clear up. On the contrary, it was getting deeper.

“Do you?” Richard asked softly. “Want children, that is.”

Her facial expression didn’t change one bit. He’d give all his riches to know what she was thinking right now.

“I always wanted children,” she said faintly. “A family.” She shook her head, then a smile finally blessed her lips. “And I definitely want that with you. But perhaps not right away. I don’t know what to do with my career yet. I haven’t decided. It is all so uncertain. I want to have a family with you. Just let me deal with my acting life first. I don’t want to abruptly leave my friends behind. Nor do I want to leave that world without the possibility of coming back.”

Richard nodded thoughtfully. “You know that I can use my influence to make it easier for you.”

“I know,” she said with a smile. “But let me do this on my own. Please?”

“You do not ever have to plead with me, my love.” He kissed her lips. “I am your willing slave.”