Chapter 29

Isabel knocked on the door to Evie’s chamber, hoping the duchess was up from her afternoon nap.

“Please, enter,” Evie said from the inside, and Isabel glided into the room.

“Have you rested then?” Isabel asked as she saw Evie sitting by the window, reading.

“Yes. Thank you.” Evie immediately put the book away and stood to greet Isabel.

They had both spent the morning riding with Millicent, and after a few hours of exhausting activity, Evie went up to her room to rest while Isabel continued bustling about the house. But as teatime approached, Isabel hoped she could speak with the duchess before more guests arrived, in which time one-on-one conversations would become impossible.

Isabel and Evie settled around the small tea table in the sitting room, and the maid brought biscuits and salted almonds to accompany their tea.

Isabel poured each of them a cup, and Evie popped one salted almond into her mouth.

“Oh, these almonds are magical!” she exclaimed.

“That is high praise coming from you,” Isabel said. “I know it isn’t easy to find something you like.”

“I know! And recently, it became even worse,” Evie complained. “However, I have developed quite a craving for salty treats, and these are just perfect!”

Isabel reared back and looked at the duchess more carefully. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were shining, and she seemed… different somehow. Isabel narrowed her eyes. “Are you—?”

Evie looked up and blinked at her. “What?”

“Pardon me for being indelicate, but… Are you with child?”

Evie’s cheeks blushed furiously, and she tried to hide her smile, but it didn’t work.

Isabel grinned and stood to embrace the duchess. “I am so happy for you!”

Evie bit her lip. “It’s been only a few weeks, and one of the reasons Gabriel didn’t want us traveling, but I could not miss your party.”

“Oh, Evie.” Isabel cocked her head to the side then sat back in her chair.

Despite the happiness for her friend, there was still a slight pang in her chest. Could Isabel be with child soon, too?

Evie popped another almond into her mouth. “These are quite spectacular. I shall have to write down the recipe.”

“Of course, I will ask Mrs. Ainsworth to record it for you. But the original recipe came from my friend who was alsoenceinte,” she said with a chuckle.

“Thank you.” Evie popped another almond into her mouth, savoring every crunch. “You must have a lot to do for the upcoming house party. Do you need any help from me?”

Isabel shook her head. “This household is very competent. I have everything ready. And the entertainment should arrive today, too. They wanted to see the place beforehand and set up their things and properties.”

“Oh, how interesting! Who did you hire for entertainment?”

“A theater troupe,” Isabel said proudly. “This is the first time I am using them for a party, but I’ve seen them play before.”

“That sounds intriguing. So you are certain you don’t need help?” Evie insisted.

“I am. But if you feel like you need something to occupy yourself with, you are free to spend some time with Millie. Do not feel obligated, it’s—”

“I would enjoy that very much!” Evie interrupted.

Isabel smiled. “I would be so grateful. Millie has a nursemaid, but without a governess, she doesn’t get much of a ladylike education, which she seems to copy from you. Not to say that you should act as her governess—”

“Oh, please, Isabel, stop rambling. I love the girl and would love to spend more time with her. And I promise I shall find enough energy to occupy Millie and then dance at your balls.”