Isabel learned one crucial fact during that day.

She realized why nobody ever taught ladies anything about their marital duty. Because if they knew how the birthing process took place, they would never agree to marry in their entire lives. They’d rather be a spinster than go through such a horrific experience.

Isabel doubted she would ever be able to withstand such torture and deliver a child into this world. How had Lilian done it six blasted times?

If Isabel had been split apart like this, with blood and other liquids shooting out of her, she was certain she would never be put back together. She was horrified.

Isabel had been certain she would never think of the birthing process as a miracle… until she took the babe into her arms and looked into her scrunched-up, wrinkly, pink face.

The babe was absolutely beautiful.

And perhaps it was worth reliving that pain and terror just to be able to hold her own babe in her arms.

Isabel looked at Lilian, still lying on the floor, now covered with blankets, looking tired but blissful. Her eyes were closing as she fought to stay awake.

“How does it feel?” Isabel asked, referring to the process of childbirth.

“It’s the best feeling in the world,” Lilian answered.

Isabel doubted Lilian had been frank with her when she had answered, but she didn’t persist. Perhaps Lilian needed to believe that for the moment before all the pain left her body, which probably would take weeks or months.

Isabel glanced back at the little babe in her arms. The babe gurgled and shifted, and Isabel smiled.

Yes, she definitely wanted one of these for herself.

With Rhys?

The thought took her aback. With the miracle of birth happening right before her eyes, she had completely forgotten about her own issues. Her issues seemed quite insignificant in comparison. At least, not worthy of Lilian’s attention.

Was Isabel ready to forgive Rhys for his behavior and start working on conceiving a babe? Did she even have a choice? He needed an heir, and she was his wife. It’s not like she could divorce him for his rude behavior.

“May I have her back?” Lilian asked, and Isabel smiled.

“I think I’d like to keep her,” she joked. “But I doubt she would be amenable to the idea.”

Lilian chuckled. “I think my husband would protest too.”

Isabel brought the babe to her friend and placed her on her chest. “What are you going to name her?”

Lilian smiled. “I thought I’d name her Isabel… if you don’t mind.”

Isabel’s smile turned into a grin. “I would be honored.”

Looking at Lilian, lying contentedly with her babe, Isabel had a sudden urge to see Millicent. She glanced at the window and gasped in horror. It was already dark!

She’d missed supper, and most likely, she’d missed Millicent’s bedtime too!

Did Millie miss her? Was she asking for her? Her heart squeezed as she started to hurriedly collect her items and dress to leave.

“Where are you going, my lady?” Lilian’s husband asked.

“I need to get home. It is late. I didn’t even notice how late it had gotten!”

“But you can’t go now,” Lizzy, Lilian’s oldest daughter, interjected. “It is raining. And the clouds are so ominous. Surely it is going to storm.”

Just then, lightning split the sky, and thunder followed. The horses whinnied, and the dogs started barking, cursing at the sky.

“All the more reason for me to leave now,” Isabel insisted. “Before the storm starts in earnest.”

She was not about to leave her family wondering what had happened to her. And she didn’t want to spend the night away from Millicent.

Was Millie afraid of the storm?

She didn’t even know the answer. But she knew for certain that Millie would be worried about Isabel if she did not return home. And maybe Rhys would be worried, too.