Chapter 24

Isabel left home on a beautiful and sunny afternoon.

The sun twinkled high in the sky, and there was nary a cloud on the horizon. Usually, Isabel would have been joyfully galloping, letting the breeze hit her face, but now she cantered along, glowering at animals who dared cross her path and irritably swatting at dragonflies.

It was rather annoying when the weather didn’t match her mood. On the rare occasion when England decided to grace her with wonderful weather, the rest of her life seemed to be in chaos.

Her husband hated her and blamed her for all sins.

To be fair, she blamed herself, too.

Rhys had trusted her judgment. He had said that a few nights ago, warming her heart, and she had betrayed his trust in the most awful way possible.

Isabel only hoped that Millicent would forget the incident rather quickly.

Governesses had not been exactly gentle with Isabel and her little sister Sam either. They were strict and occasionally punished them with flogging. But they used a thin stick on the rear and never with a cane.

What kind of a monster strikes a little helpless child with a thick cane?

Isabel swallowed the torrid memories. And Millicent had tried to tell her. She had told her that the governess was strict. She had said that she had disliked her. She probably could not put into words what that monster had actually done.

What more did she do?

Isabel squeezed her eyes tightly.

She made her way toward Lilian’s house and expelled a breath of relief. Finally, she would be able to unburden all her worries to her good friend.

She walked toward her house and knocked on the door. Isabel heard noises from the inside, but nobody opened the door to her.

She knocked again.

When the door finally opened, a young man almost stumbled into her in his haste to leave the house. “Oh, pardon me, my lady. But I have to go! Need to find….” He was speaking as he was hurrying away, but Isabel didn’t make out the last words he had said.

He needs to find what?No matter. The door was open, so Isabel stepped inside.

A light scream or a half-growl sounded from somewhere inside the house.

Isabel rushed toward the main room. “What’s happening?”

She encompassed the little room with her gaze. The usually cozy chamber with lots of items in disarray looked empty save for the blankets on the floor, strips of cloth, and basins with water.

Lilian sat on a pile of blankets, her face red, her forehead glistening with sweat, holding the hand of Mary, the medicine woman of the village. Lilian’s other hand was on her belly, and she was breathing erratically.

“Lilian, are you well?” Isabel looked around in shock. Mary looked at Isabel queerly, took the wet cloth, and wiped Lilian’s forehead. “Sorry, I can see you’re unwell. Can I help?”

Lilian looked up, and her face split in a smile. “How glad I am that you are here!” she cried. “I am having a babe! But the dratted thing wouldn’t come out.”

Isabel tensed at the words. What did that mean? “How can I help?” She rushed toward Lilian.

“Do you—argh!” Lilian growled again. Then blinked up at Isabel. “Do you have more almonds with you?”

* * *

Rhys had spent the entire day with Millie.

When he first entered her room, she had shot up and ran to embrace him. He stood like that, holding her close to his body, his nose burrowed in her hair until she wriggled out of his arms.

She was as exuberant and happy as ever. It was as if nothing had happened.