“I pro—”

Rhys dipped his head and took her lips in a tender kiss.

* * *

Rhys’s kiss took her by surprise.

Strangely, it was not the fact that he had kissed her that was surprising. What took her off guard was the way he kissed her. Previously, he had taken her wildly, without giving her any room to object. He had kept his hands on her face, so she couldn’t twist away, not that she’d wanted to.

This time, the kiss was a soft brush of lips against hers. It was slow and sensual, and it was his tenderness that undid her.

He pulled away, and Isabel grabbed onto his shirt and tugged him closer until their lips met again. He smiled before pressing his lips against hers. Isabel let out a soft moan, and then her hands were in his hair, still wet from bathing in the stream. He tugged off her nightcap and started undoing the pins in her hair.

“What—” she murmured, but he silenced her with another kiss.

Isabel’s entire body hummed with anticipation. It became languid and pliant, burning for his touch.

Rhys did not hurry to touch her, though. He kept intensifying the tingling feeling deep inside her belly as he nibbled on her lips and licked the contour of her mouth.

Isabel moaned and shifted to lie flat on the bed. Vane climbed on top of her without taking his mouth off hers.

Isabel wrapped her arms around his shoulders and ran her fingers against his shirt, wishing she could feel his body, graze his skin with her fingertips, and feel the shivers on his skin. She tugged on the collar of his shirt in frustration.

Instead of obliging her plea, Rhys took her hands and held them on either side of her head. He twined their fingers, and Isabel shivered.

He kissed her deeper, his tongue seeking entrance to her mouth. Isabel opened with a sigh, and her entire body tingled at the contact of their tongues. She curled her fingers against his skin, twisting her palm, searching for more contact of bare skin against bare skin. Her hips raised on their own accord, wanting to feel him closer, as the tension built between her legs.

Isabel felt warmth unfurl inside her and… seep out of her. Something dripped onto the sheet as the familiar discomfort in her belly alerted her that something was incredibly wrong.

“Oh my God,” she managed to whisper between Rhys’s kisses.

“Mm, yes,” he murmured, moving his mouth down her neck.

Isabel clenched her thighs together and tensed her abdomen in hopes that it would pass or that it was just her imagination, but it was no use.

She pushed at Rhys’s chest and rolled from under him.

Rhys sat up and watched her with wide eyes. “I… Apologies. I went too far.”

“No.” Isabel grimaced. She clenched her knees together and tried to cover her shift in the most delicate places in case the liquid managed to seep through. “It’s a—I have to go.”

Isabel rushed into her dressing room and took a deep breath. This was the most embarrassing experience of her entire life.

She’d just let herself enjoy Rhys’s ministrations, his tender kisses. Rhys’s mouth had been on her skin! He had just thrown caution to the wind and was prepared to engage in his marital duty with her, she was certain.

Their relationship had finally moved from a dead spot, and this had to happen!

She took off her shift, and sure enough, there was a bloody spot on the skirt. “Blast.”

Her eyes burned from unshed tears, and she took a deep breath. At least, now she had the evidence Rhys had desired all along.

She performed the necessary ablutions, fashioned some layers with strips of cloth between her legs, and leaned her back against the wall. How was she to face him after this embarrassing incident?

“Is everything well?” Rhys’s voice sounded from the other side of the door.

Tears of frustration sprung to Isabel’s eyes. She was always slightly more emotional during her courses, but she couldn’t really blame her nerves after what had happened just now.

“Isabel, I–I did not mean to upset you—”