The carriage jolted to a stop, and Isabel was glad. Millie would play with the villagers’ children now, and Isabel would express all her concerns to her dear friend.

As soon as Millicent’s feet hit the ground, she took off in the direction of her friends. Isabel smiled. Let her be a babe for an hour and not a lady.

She conversed with the villagers for a while, listening to their concerns and issues before walking toward Lilian’s house.

Lilian must have spotted her from the window because she exited the house and waved her inside. Her friend looked much bigger than the last time Isabel saw her. Or was it her imagination?

Lilian sauntered inside and put the kettle on. “I am so glad you came for a visit!” she exclaimed. “I find myself in a constant need to complain to somebody about this enormous belly I am carrying around all day. But I can’t complain to my husband, who is always just as tired as me. I cannot complain to my children since they would not understand. And especially not to any of my neighbors.”

Isabel smiled and took out the box with salted almonds. “You can complain to me all you want,” she said with a smile.

Lilian’s eyes turned liquid. “Oh, thank you! I didn’t have time to make them myself this week, and I wanted them so badly!” She covered her mouth with her palm and hiccupped.

Isabel walked toward her and patted her on the back. “Is everything well?”

Lilian nodded and wiped at her tears. “Yes, I just find myself overly emotional over every little thing.”

“When is the babe due?” Isabel asked as they both settled before the table.

“A week or two. I do not know for certain. I just hope it is soon.” She flipped the hair away from her face. “I can’t bend down properly, I cannot walk as quickly as I did before, and this house just seems so tiny!” She took a deep breath.

The kettle whistled, and Isabel shot up. “Please, Lilian, let me get the kettle. I know how to pour tea.”

“Oh!” Lilian’s eyes watered again. She blew into her handkerchief. “A lady of the estate is pouring me tea! You are so exceptionally kind!”

Isabel stifled a chuckle. When Lilian said she was overly emotional, she wasn’t exaggerating.

Lilian fanned her flushed cheeks. “I shall be crying all day if you let me. Please, tell me, how are things at the manor?”

“Well, actually, I came here with the hope of complaining to you, too.”

“Oh, good!” Lilian instantly brightened up. “Please, tell me. I want to hear somebody else complain for a moment.”

Isabel quickly told Lilian about the trouble with the governess and how her relationship with Millie had regressed in such a short time.

Lilian listened to her with avid interest.

“So, she does not like her governess? Well, it is hardly a surprise. A free-spirited young girl like Millicent is bound to dislike being cooped up in the nursery. And she was always by his lordship’s side. It is nothing to worry over, I promise.”

“You think so?” Isabel expelled a breath of relief.

“I had five babes, darling. I know how they can act sometimes. Just give her time to adjust.”

Isabel nodded. “Thank you, I feel a tad better now.”

Lilian popped an almond into her mouth. “I am glad I could ease your mind,” she said around the bite.

* * *

Rhys descended the steps and turned toward Isabel’s room the next day, his heart heavy. He had just checked on Millicent and was disappointed to see her already sleeping. He had missed a few nights of tucking her into bed as he was working later than usual. And now, he wouldn’t see her for a few days more.

He heaved a sigh, feeling extremely tired. He needed to speak with Isabel regarding the new turn of events, and he hoped she would ease his mind about Millicent.

As he ventured toward Isabel’s bedchamber, he noticed that he didn’t want to enter his room at all. Not even to change. Not even to check if his windows had been shut and his hearth lit. How long did it take for the walls to dry, anyhow?

He knew it was the servants’ ploy to get the two of them together, and to be frank, he didn’t mind at all. He’d gotten quite used to the tiny bundle of heat by his side. He’d gotten used to her tangled hair on his pillow. He’d even gotten used to her kicking him in the middle of the night.

He never wanted to go back to his chamber.