“Oh. How considerate of you.”

“Would you rather I bathed in your room?” He cocked a brow.

Yes. Very much.Isabel’s cheeks heated even more. She waved a hand to dismiss the wanton ideas from her head. “Let us go back to the house. You must be freezing.”

Vane silently collected his things and led the way.

“So, to what do I owe your unexpected visit?”

Right. The governess.“I think I found the perfect governess for Millie.”

“Did you?”

“Yes, she is very knowledgeable and put together. She has already met Millie, and I think they bonded.”

Vane raised a brow. “She met Millicent?”


“And Millicent was not angry or upset?”

“Well, she did not sic Button on her, so I’d call it a success.”

Vane let out a chuckle. “Very well. I’d like to meet this rare individual.”

“I put her in the guest house for the night. She traveled from London for this interview, and I could not very well send her away. So you shall have an opportunity to meet her tomorrow morning.”


They walked part of the way in silence.

They were almost to the house when he spoke again. “Is that all you had to say?”

“Yes. I was very excited about this new governess. I had to let you know.”

“Hmm.” He scratched his jaw. “And here I thought you came to ogle my bare torso. You are just lucky you arrived when you did and not earlier.”

Isabel bit painfully on her lower lip. If only he knew.