He paused as if thinking through the problem, although his expression was too theatrical to be real. Vane did not care one way or another. He was frozen to the bone and just wanted the dratted valet to get to the point. Then his face brightened, and Vane expelled a breath.Finally.

“Yes, what is it?”

“It is not the most convenient solution but the only workable one.”

Rhys rubbed his palms together to warm them up. “Yes?”

“Her ladyship’s room—the one adjoining yours—has been prepared, but I believe the mistress didn’t move in yet.”

Vane narrowed his eyes on the cunning valet, who incidentally refused to meet Rhys’s eye. Rhys would have called David on his manipulative behavior if his teeth were not chattering so loudly.

“Blast it all to hell!” Rhys muttered. “Whatever you are planning, you win. It doesn’t seem like I have any choice.”

So he went to the adjoining room door and walked inside.